The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) stated that it is investigating the cause of SingTel’s fibre broadband service breakdown which lasted all day from Saturday (3 December) morning till Sunday with a sizable number of consumers still stating that they were unable to connect despite stating that all service has resumed.

IMDA said in a statement on Monday (5 December) that it takes the telco’s service disruption very seriously and that it is also looking into the service recovery measures taken by SingTel.

The telco first announced that it was experiencing breakdown at around 11am Saturday morning, stating that some of their customers may be experiencing difficulties accessing their Fibre Broadband services and their engineers are working to resolve the problem.

It also stated that affected broadband customers who are also Singtel postpaid mobile customers will have their local mobile data charges waived for both Saturday (3 December 2016) and Sunday (4 December 2016).

At the same time, it also offered all affected customers a 10% discount on this month’s broadband subscription, which will be reflected in January bill.

The telco then announced on Sunday (4 December) morning around 9am that service has been resumed however many still claim that their internet connections were still down despite repeated attempts to reboot their routers and optical fibre modems.

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