Blog Feature: Straits Times changes headlines 4 times in one day

From Jeff Yen’s blog:

There are possibly three reasons why I continue to pay money to read the Straits Times online. The first reason is that I want to know what others are reading daily, the second is I want to know what I’m supposed to know, and the third is that I get to experience pure journalistic gems like what has happened today.

In a continuing episode of Stop The Presses, we shall look at an article that is about foreigners who are going to be hired by one of the two new casinos to be opened here. The Sentosa Integrated Resort (IR) seems to be hiring a lot of foreigners rather than locals, and people are seemingly complaining about this. Mr Wang has the full text reproduced in his blog.

Read full article on Jeff Yen’s blog.

The following from Mr Wang’s blog:

I found it somewhat suspicious that an article should be entitled “Singaporeans Will Get Most IR Jobs” when in fact, there’s absolutely zero content in the article which tells you that this is so.

I got the feeling that the title reflected the conclusion that our obedient, nation-building press had already decided to convey. It was just that the unfortunate journalist just hadn’t yet been able to find any facts to substantiate such a conclusion. I quickly saved a screenshot:


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