TOC at Hong Lim Park on Saturday – Social Justice and Fairness

Update: A group of volunteers (unaffiliated to TOC) will be at Speakers’ Corner to collect signatures for the petition to call for Mr Tan Kin Lian to stand for elections. Do go down to Speakers’ Corner if you want to sign the petition.

TOC’s event: 6 December, Hong Lim Park, 5pm to 7pm.

To mark The Online Citizen’s (TOC) second anniversary, and in conjunction with U60’s celebration of the United Nation’s 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, TOC will hold an event this Saturday at Speakers’ Corner, Hong Lim Park.

The event, titled “Social Justice and Fairness: First World Country in the 21st Century”, will focus on the poor, the elderly and the needy and what the Government could and should do. Five speakers, all TOC members, will speak on various issues:

Choo Zheng Xi will first give a round-up of TOC’s past two years.

Leong Sze Hian will speak on HDB and how its policies are affecting Singaporeans, particularly the poor.

Ravi Philemon will speak on the Government’s policy of “self-reliance” and how our education policies may not be helpful in this aspect.

Andrew Loh’s speech will lend support to Dr Lily Neo’s call for the Government to provide more for those on the Public Assistance scheme.

Tan Kin Lian will speak on egalitarianism and how elected leaders should represent the people. Kin Lian will also provide updates on the minibonds investors’ situation.

As the worst recession in many years begins to bite, let us not forget the least-abled in our society. Help us lend a voice to those who are helpless. For if we do not speak for them – or shout for them, as Dr Lily Neo said – no one will.

So, please join us at Speakers’ Corner on 6 December, Saturday, 5pm. Bring your friends, family and colleagues.

For those taking the train, it’s Clark Quay station, look for Exit A. It will lead you directly to Hong Lim Park.

The Government will be announcing its 2009 Budget next month. Lets us make sure that our ministers do not forget those who have helped built Singapore into this First World Country in the 21st Century.

Come lend your support by just being present at Speakers’ Corner this Saturday.

Thank you.


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