
The unknown side of Singapore

Rockerchick takes her camera round S’pore and “found many impoverished people.”

More people apply but less people get help?

Leong Sze Hian I refer to the article “NTUC speeds up aid to workers” (ST, May 31). It says; “The…

Why there is no subsidy for the poor….

The CEO of SMRT goes to work in a Mercedes. She deserves it because the profits of SMRT has doubled…

Time for the government to re-look “no-welfare state” policy

Tan Kin Lian / Columnist For many decades, the Singapore Government has adopted a policy of a “no welfare state”.…

Overcoming fear and misinformation – give us our dignity!

Next on TOC: About 3 weeks after 16 activists were arrested in May, 1987, the man accused of being the…

Help the homeless in Singapore!

Help the homeless in Singapore! New Hope Community Services, a voluntary welfare organisation which provides shelter to men-in-crisis and displaced…

Labour Day – remembering the most vulnerable

Announcement: The Online Citizen will bring you “live” updates from Suntec City tomorrow of the AWARE Extraordinary General Meeting. “Live”…

The man at Waterloo Street

Andrew Loh There he sits – in the warm afternoon. All alone by himself, in the courtyard at Waterloo Street.…

“I am good at what I do”

Koh Yi Na / With contribution from Teng Jingwei Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. On these three days, Mr Loh Hak Seet,…

Sleepless in Singapore

The country is ill-equipped to cope with a possible rise in homelessness In February this year, the grim reality of…