
Ho Ching launches 2 new submarines at minimum S$1b each while GST starts increasing 1 Jan

It was reported that Mdm Ho Ching launched two Singapore submarines made by German ship builder ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) in…

Open letter to Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen from parent of a pre-enlistee with medical condition which can result in sudden death

by Santhi Krishnasamy Dear Defence Minister, Dr Ng Eng Hen My son has a heart scan on 5 April 2021.…

Barely any compensation for spinal injury of NS serviceman during ICT; No avenue for redress due to Section 14 of Government Proceedings Act

On Friday (5 February), a redditor on r/Singapore shared screenshots of the acknowledgments in the thesis of New Zealand-based Singaporean…

MINDEF expresses deep condolences to family of late NSF Dave Lee; assures SAF will improve its safety systems to “achieve zero training fatalities”

The Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) has expressed its deep condolences to the family of full-time national serviceman (NSF) Corporal First…

Injured NSF in Taiwan parachute training undergoes second successful surgery: MINDEF

A full-time national serviceman (NSF), who previously injured his cervical spine during a unilateral parachute training in Taiwan last month,…