Humble hawker couple offering affordable drinks for decades despite staggering inflation

Humble hawker couple offering affordable drinks for decades despite staggering inflation

SINGAPORE — Despite inflation driving prices up, a charming hawker couple in Kovan 209 Market & Food Centre, have been selling beverages at affordable prices since 1984.

Goh Kai Suah, 59, and Chua Choon Huay, 57, well-known for their cheerful attitude and sense of gratitude, with most of their customers appearing to know them well.

Even customers from distances craving for their indulging yet lower prices soya bean milk, grass jelly, and bird’s nest drinks, for as low as 30 cents a cup at their stall, Sun Kee Drinks.

Sun Kee Drinks offers small-sized cups of Soya Bean Milk, Grass Jelly, and Bird Nest drinks for just S$0.30. If you’re feeling particularly thirsty, their “big” cup is priced at S$0.50.

Kai Suah and Choon Huay make the bird’s nest drink themselves using a process that involves boiling pandan leaves. Although the drink was a popular wallet-friendly thirst-quencher sold from street-side carts a few decades back, their version is just as delicious and refreshing today.

Despite the staggering inflation, the couple has managed to keep their prices constant for almost four decades.

When queried by media 8Days on how they manage to survive and keep the prices low, Choon Huay jokingly said, “We are not working for a bungalow.”

“We can survive if there are customers. No customers, we are finished, ” she said.

Their business model is centred around the basic economics tenet of selling high quantities at low prices, and Sun Kee certainly gets enough business.

Even though they operate from 6am to 1pm, their stock is usually almost sold out by noon. If you’re planning to visit them, it’s best to get there early, or risk missing out on their delicious beverages.

Seeing how Sun Kee Drinks garnered a strong following among its customers and supporters is heartwarming.

Many have left glowing reviews, praising the couple for their humble attitude and dedication to providing affordable beverages to the community. Despite selling their drinks at a lower price point, the quality of their beverages remains top-notch.

‘Always long queue, but couple never show attitude to their customers’

One netizen left a comment on 8Day’s Facebook post, saying: “Always a long queue because it’s so cheap, but they never show attitude to their customers.”

A comment noted that their bird’s nest drink always sells out very quickly, which is a testament to its popularity.

A netizen shared his experience of visiting the stall during their secondary school days and being amazed that the prices had remained unchanged until today, a span of seven years.

Another netizen shared a heartwarming story from almost 30 years ago when he were in primary school.

“my brother and I bought one drink from them to share due to limited pocket money. Probably knowing our situation, they gave us another drink for free. ”

‘Super humble & kind couple runs the stall’

It’s no surprise that Sun Kee Stall has a 4.9 rating on Google reviews. A satisfied customer noted that the hawker couple is incredibly humble and kind, offering drinks at unbelievably affordable prices without compromising on quality.


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