Netizens amused to see Malaysian firefighter patiently persuading a sulking dog on building ledge

Netizens amused to see Malaysian firefighter patiently persuading a sulking dog on building ledge

MALAYSIA — It is well known that a firefighter’s job is never an easy one, taking part in operations dealing with dangerous fire scenes or search and rescue operations under challenging conditions.

At times, they may even have to patiently persuade a sulking dog to return to a safer place inside the building.

On 12 January, Malaysia’s Fire & Rescue Department shared an amusing yet heartwarming video on its official Facebook page.

In the video, a firefighter can be seen sitting on the concrete terrace with no railing, gently coaxing a furkid with treats in his hand.

He was attached to a safety harness in which his colleague inside the building held the other end of the safety rope to ensure his safety.

However, the dog did not appear to be in a good mood, refusing to take the treats offered by the firefighter and squeezing its face even further to the corner of the wall.

“This is not easy to please (the dog), our firefighter brother even needs to persuade with sweet words,” the post wrote.

Many netizens were amused by the video, with some praising the firefighter for patiently persuading the furkid to return inside the building, preventing the dog from falling from height.

Netizen Fazly Mohamad commented perhaps the dog was sulking because he was denied service in the K9 unit:

Lim Kang Jie also commented that the task looked very challenging, “just like coaxing a sulking girlfriend.”

Trapped on 10th floor of an apartment, the dog safely rescued by firefighter

When interviewed by Malay media Harian Metro, the firefighter Leo Sana Anak Sandi said he had never expected the video of him saving a dog could go viral on social media.

The incident was reported to have taken place around 3 pm on Wednesday (11 Jan) in Balik Pulau, Penang.

Leo said he and his fellow colleagues were dispatched to an apartment on that day after receiving an emergency call from the public.

They found a stray dog trapped on the concrete ledge outside of the 10th floor of the apartment since morning.

“At first, the dog acted aggressively, perhaps out of fear. I had to approach him slowly.”

“Since it had been there for a long time, I then asked for some food from the residents to give to the dog, ” he told Harian Metro.

The food did help to calm the dog down, but it turned its face toward the wall instead, as if the dog was sulking.

Leo admitted that while the doggo’s behaviour amused him, he had to continue his rescue mission. He was also worried that it might turn aggressive again.

“With another colleague, we covered the dog’s eyes with a sack and cloth before lifting it to the safer place.”

Leo said that the stray furkid roams in a nearby area. He has no idea how it went up to the 10th floor of the building and to where it was found.

Saadon Mokhtar, director of  The Penang Fire and Rescue Department, said the firefighter managed to catch the dog and released it after it was safe.

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