(From left to right) RSN’s RSS Sovereignty, PLA(N)’s Zaozhuang and RSN’s RSS Intrepid during the conduct of the simulated joint search and rescue exercise. (Photo courtesy of People’s Liberation Army (Navy))

The Global Times, which is under the auspices of the Chinese Communist Party’s flagship People’s Daily newspaper, published an article last Thu (25 Feb) saying that a recent joint military exercise between China and Singapore in the South China Sea shows the two countries are jointly addressing “risks” and challenges with the determination to safeguard regional peace and stability.

“A group of Chinese naval ships participated in a joint naval exercise with the Singapore Navy in the waters near Singapore,” it reported.

The Global Times is considered as part of a broader set of Chinese state media outlets that constitute the Chinese government’s propaganda apparatus.

It reported that the guided-missile destroyer Guiyang and guided-missile frigate Zaozhuang, part of China’s 36th Escort Taskforce, had participated in the joint maritime exercise with the Singapore Navy.

On Singapore MINDEF website, it acknowledged that Singapore’s Formidable-class frigate RSS Intrepid and Independence-class littoral mission vessel RSS Sovereignty “conducted a passage exercise with the People’s Liberation Army Navy destroyer Guiyang and frigate Zaozhuang in the southern reaches of the South China Sea within international waters” on Wed (24 Feb).

“Planned virtually, the ships conducted a series of drills employing the Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea. In addition to the manoeuvring and communications exercises, the two navies also worked together to respond to a simulated joint search and rescue mission,” MINDEF added.

PLA’s spokesperson: Countries in region openly oppose British and French navies sending warships to South China Sea

Zhang Junshe, a senior research fellow at the PLA Naval Military Studies Research Institute, told the Global Times that the joint exercise has strengthened the friendly interactions between the navies of China and Singapore, promoted mutual understanding, enhanced trust, and laid a good foundation for further strengthening maritime security cooperation. It is also conducive to maintaining regional security and stability.

“If there is a maritime disaster in the South China Sea in the future, the navies of China and Singapore can jointly conduct maritime search and rescue operations to protect the lives and property of people of all countries and maintain safe navigation in the South China Sea,” Zhang added.

At the same time, the British and the French navies will send warships to the South China Sea to prove the so-called “freedom of navigation,” which Zhang said aims to “show muscle, brush presence, and stir troubles in the region to expand their influence.”

Obviously, such self-serving and provocative actions by a few countries outside the region are unpopular and countries within the region have openly opposed them and will not follow those actions, Zhang said.

On MINDEF website, it didn’t make any comments about the British or the French navies sending warships to the South China Sea.

MINDEF only said, “The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) continues to cooperate with friends at sea to enhance mutual understanding and strengthen friendships… We wish our PLA friends fair winds and following seas – and we hope to exercise together again in the future!”



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A member of the public, Lam Yin Yin, wrote to ST Forum…

林鼎抨击唯才是举制 避谈群众功劳夸耀自身才干

新加坡人民之声党领袖林鼎,录制视频浅谈新加坡的“唯才是举”现象,批评一些政治和商界领袖出现沾沾自喜的傲慢态度,避谈携手创造成就的群众,反而谎称正是他们的才能和“精明决策”,自己才值得拥有优渥收入。 林鼎先是分享“唯才是举”一说的起源。1958年,英国社会和工党政治家麦可杨(Michael Young),在他的一本讽刺小说《唯才是举的崛起》,发明了“Meritocracy”这个词汇。 他在这本小说描绘一个想象中的未来英国,这个社会把智力和才干价值奉为中心原则,把社会阶层分为精英阶层和缺乏才干的阶层,出现严重不平等。 麦可杨深知唯才是举制度的危害,在2001年,他在英国《卫报》一篇抨击英国首相布莱尔的文章,毫不留情地抨击唯才是举制度: “这些精英相信、当然他们也一再被鼓吹,他们凭藉自己的实力才干取得成就。他们会认为自己值得拥有这一切,不免感到沾沾自喜,相比下,他人可能知道他们的成就,只不过是受益于裙带关系、他们是某某人的子女,而不是因为他们的才干。 精英新贵甚至迷信自身权位的道德正当性(全凭自己的努力和成绩),因而更加肆无忌惮地捞取好处,忘却并背叛了原有的出身,导致下层阶级失去民意代言人,逐渐在民主进程中失声,最终产生政治疏离感。” 林鼎揶揄行动党对于如何引领国家继续发展,已“黔驴技穷”。他分析,唯才是举的弊端之一,在于只有一部分的才干价值、精英才会被提拔,而且需符合建制阶层的心意。 “而个人才能乃是基于打分制评估,反而对那些掌握优势的孩子更有利。” 此外,麦可杨也批评社会上流阶层无可避免地会表现得沾沾自喜和傲慢,认为他们享有的荣华富贵是应得的;至于对于那些较不幸群体,他们只是耸耸肩,认为每个人都得到他们应得的。 “麦可杨也批评,就因为维护特定阶层的体制、让底下阶层生而贫穷,这是不公平的。” 林鼎转而指责,现如今许多政治和商界领袖也展现这种沾沾自喜的态度,他们避谈今日他们的成就,乃是因为共同打造这个国家的群众携手创造的,反之谎称他们的收入,是基于自己的才干和“精明决策”争取而来。…

黄循财李智陞晋升行动党中委 前部长黄志明榜上无名

人民行动党在11月8日,召开两年一度的中委会选举及干部大会。李显龙仍是该党秘书长、王瑞杰和陈振声则任第一助理秘书长和第二助理秘书长。 卫生部长颜金勇任主席职,马善高为副主席;尚穆根为财政、王乙康为助理财政、傅海燕和李智陞则任组织秘书。 值得一提的是,两年前改选首次担任中委的前总理公署部长黄志明,此次却未入选,反之教育部长黄循财和国家发展部长李智陞则成功入选。 两年前总理李显龙已然开启第三代交棒第四代领导接班人的行动,资深中委卸任,准备逐步让第四代精英班底接手政权。除了在上届改选引退的许文远、林瑞生等五名第三代领导,此次中委也少了国防部长黄永宏和新闻部长和易华仁,这也显示行动党领导人的更新正在持续。 故此,有机会能晋升中委也被看好成为“接班人团队”的几率较高。而在昨日的中委改选候选名单有19人,除了获选和增补的14明第36届中委,其余候选人还包括律政部第二部长躺着牛、总理公署部长孟理齐博士、卫生部兼通讯及新闻部高级政务部长普杰立、西北区市长任梓铭和前部长黄志明。 黄志明原是总理公署部长,2009年至2013年任空军总长、2015年8月18日,卸下三军总长职。8月22日,行动党就宣布黄志明入党。 9月11日2015年大选之后,黄志明进入内阁,短短13个月内从代部长职位获擢升为正部长,一度被视作“潜能接班人选”的征兆。 然而,在2020选举,偕同原交通部兼卫生部高级政务部长蓝彬明医生、内政部兼卫生部高级政务次长安宁·阿敏等人,上阵盛港集选区,惟不敌工人党何廷儒团队败选。 行动党称将正视选举中问题 据了解,身为行动党秘书长的李显龙,指该党已完成2020年大选检讨工作,该党中委将正视选举中出现的问题。 其中,李显龙指行动党在新划分出来的盛港集选区失利,黄志明领军的团队败北,对于行动党和竞选团队是“惨重损失”,不过该党尊重选民决定,他也强调行动党不会放弃反对党选区。