Late last night (30 June), Progress Singapore Party’s (PSP’s) Lu Kee Hong shared on Facebook that the posters for the party’s Pioneer SMC candidate, Lim Cher Hong were moved.

Mr Lu explained that the party set out to start putting up posters in the constituency after 1pm on Tuesday following Mr Lim’s successful nomination. The posters were put up specifically at a height that would not block the traffic light. However, it appears that around 8pm the same poster had been lowered—obstructing the traffic light—and a People’s Action Party (PAP) featuring party candidate Patrick Tay took its spot above.

Mr Lu wrote, “We put Mr Lim’s poster [before] PAP’s poster at this spot at a height that ensure NO BLOCKING of the traffic lights in the afternoon. At around 8+pm, we noted someone has lowered PSP’s poster to a height that will block the traffic lights!! N the PAP’s poster is above PSP’s one!!”

He asked, “Did the PAP contractor move PSP’s poster lower? Hope not!!?

Mr Lu then directed a general question to Singaporeans on the ethics and illegality of such a move, if it was indeed done by a PAP contractor.

“If the PAP contractor did, would Singaporeans say it is illegal [and] unethical?

Photos shared by Mr Lu clearly show the PSP poster in the afternoon positioned above traffic light height contrasted with a photo taken at night showing a PAP poster appearing in the same spot with the PSP poster lowered.

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口罩政策U转 显现政府决策的缺陷

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