No fines by the National Environment Agency (NEA) will be issued to Progress Singapore Party (PSP) for allegedly violating safe-distancing measures during their walkabout on Sunday (21 June).

Before PSP’s visit to Block 358 Bukit Batok Street 31 for their walkabout, a member of the public complained that more than five party members had gathered at a coffee shop prior. A man, who said he was an NEA officer, approached the party members before recording the particulars of the six members, including a reporter who was covering the walkabout. 

The NEA said in a statement on Sunday that it is “looking into the circumstances of the case, including if there was a violation of safe distancing measures as reported”. PSP insisted that there were no more than five sitting together. 

For now “no fine will be imposed on PSP with regard to the reported breach of safe distancing regulations on June 21, 2020,” the statement read. 

The statement also states the agency has contacted the party to remind all members to observe the group gathering limit of five people and at least 1m between groups while engaging in their physical campaigning activities. 

The agency added that the regulations also apply to members of the media if they are present for such activities.

“These regulations are applicable for the current phase two of the post-circuit breaker period, and are in place to ensure the health and safety of everyone,” said the NEA.

What caught the attention of the public was the man who took down the particulars was not an NEA officer as he identified, but a community volunteer with the agency who has been trained as an SG Clean Ambassador, the NEA clarified.  

Therefore questions arose on why the man identified himself as an officer, when he wasn’t, and why these volunteers are permitted to record particulars of the public when it was previously announced that only NEA officers or police officers have the authority to do so. NEA has yet to address this point. 


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