The Progress Singapore Party (PSP) will not back away from three-cornered fights in the coming general election (GE) if such circumstance emerges, said the PSP’s chief Dr Tan Cheng Bock on Friday (19 June), adding that it is not the Party’s choice to do so.

“We don’t want to have three-cornered fights, but if we need to what can we do? It’s not our choice,” he remarked.

Dr Tan was speaking to members of the media after having breakfast with other PSP members at Mayflower Market and Food Centre – which is located in the re-introduced Kebun Baru Single-Member Constituency (SMC).

While he did not specify the wards that his party candidates would be fielded, the PSP’s chief noted that the Party will decide based on “certain criteria”.

“So we have to feel the ground, see the connectivity here, who are the chaps here. What kind of value that my men will bring here. Then we will make a decision on whether to come [here] or not to come [here],” Dr Tan stated.

He hopes that “better sense will prevail” if other parties insist that the PSP has “intruded into their territory”, adding that the Party has discussed with members from the other opposition parties pertaining to the matter.

“It is very difficult for a new party like PSP. If some of the wards have been fought before by other political parties, I think you cannot ‘chope’ the place, because we will we have no idea, we never fought in all these places,” said Dr Tan.

It was reported that the Party has overlapping claims with other political parties that proposed to form a bloc. These parties include the People’s Power Party (PPP), Reform Party (RP), Singaporeans First (SingFirst), and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

Meanwhile, the PPP’s chief Goh Meng Seng took to his Facebook on Thursday (18 June) noting that the proposed bloc may be conflicting with the PSP as “talks have not been fruitful so far”.

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