The Progress Singapore Party (PSP) on Thursday (18 June) announced six of its candidates who will be participating in the upcoming General Election (GE), with Brad Bowyer being one of them.

Following the announcement, Mr Bowyer expressed that he is “proud and honoured” to be a candidate representing PSP, adding that the Party intends to be the people’s voice in Parliament.

In a Facebook post last night, he shared a memory from last year showing a photo of him and Lee Hsien Yang.

He described that during his meeting with the Prime Minister’s younger brother last year, they “explored deeply” on the issues that Singapore face. Both of them spoke about what they thought was “wrong” with the country and where it has “gone wrong”.

“It is from one of our meetings and meals where we explored deeply what we think is wrong with Singapore and where it has gone wrong.”

Recalling how Mr Bowyer and his wife shared discussions with Mr and Mrs Lee, the former hoped that the four of them could gather again once Singapore enters Phase 2 of its reopening.

“My wife and I are looking forward to catching up again with Hsien Yang and his lovely wife after the Circuit Breaker ends tonight so we can continue those enlightening and critical discussions.”

Citing the complexity of achieving the goal to hold a seat in Parliament, he noted that the Party will only be able to succeed with full support from the people.

“I am now proud and honoured to be a Candidate for Progress Singapore Party as we seek to be your voice in Parliament, but we can only do it with your support at every level.”

Despite both Mr Bowyer and Mr Lee coming from different backgrounds, they found common ground in politics, most notably that the Singapore citizens are responsible to “decide their future”. They believe that political affairs are “ultimately” in Singaporeans’ hands, implying that the citizens hold the power to make a difference.

“We come from very different places but what we both agree on is that no matter what happens in the political arena it is ultimately up to the citizens of Singapore to decide their future.”

In fact, Mr Lee even shared Mr Bowyer’s post minutes after it was published on Facebook.

Mr Bowyer went on to stress that it would require the effort of an entire nation to “recover Singapore” and let the country be inclusive of everyone again.

Finally, he concluded his post with a reminder that it is time for the “silent majority” to have their voices heard.

“We can put ourselves out there, but it will be a whole of nation effort to recover Singapore and make it a country for us ALL once again.”

“It really is time for the silent majority to finally have their voices heard and not be silenced forever.”

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