65 additional cases of COVID-19 infection; 16 unlinked cases and three new clusters identified

65 additional cases of COVID-19 infection; 16 unlinked cases and three new clusters identified

As of 3 April 2020, 12 pm, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has confirmed and verified an additional 65 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, of which nine are imported and 56 are local cases who have no recent travel history abroad.
This makes a total of 1,114 cases of confirmed COVID-19 infection in Singapore.

  • The nine imported cases had travel history to Europe, North America, Middle East and ASEAN.
  • 40 cases are linked to previous cases or clusters.
  • 16 cases are currently unlinked, and contact tracing is ongoing.

Today’s figure is the highest hike of local transmission since the beginning of the pandemic.
One of the newly confirmed cases (Case 1094) is linked to three previous cases (Cases 540, 807 and 856), forming a new cluster at Ce La Vi (1 Bay Front Avenue).
One of the newly confirmed cases (Case 1052) is linked to five previous cases (Cases 384, 670, 728, 792 and 855), forming a new cluster at Singapore Cricket Club (A Connaught Drive).
One of the newly confirmed cases (Case 1104) is linked to three previous cases (Cases 956, 967 and 1019), forming a new cluster at a construction site at Project Glory (50 Market Street).
Update on condition of confirmed cases

To date, a total of 282 cases have fully recovered from the infection and have been discharged from hospitals or community isolation facilities.

Of the 473 confirmed cases who are still in the hospital, most are stable or improving.
25 are in critical condition in the intensive care unit.
354 cases who are clinically well but still test positive for COVID-19 are isolated and cared for at Concord International Hospital, Mount Elizabeth Hospital, Gleneagles Hospital and the Community Isolation Facility at D’Resort NTUC. Five have passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection
The fifth person to die of COVID-19 in Singapore is an 86-year-old woman with no recent travel history to affected countries as regions. She is also the third Singaporean citizen to die of the virus. This case was the first to be reported for the Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home cluster which 12 confirmed cases so far as of noon yesterday.

Update on contact tracing for confirmed cases

Contact tracing for the confirmed cases is ongoing. Once identified, MOH will closely monitor all close contacts. As a precautionary measure, they will be quarantined for 14 days from their last exposure to the patient. In addition, all other identified contacts who have a low risk of being infected will be under active surveillance and will be contacted daily to monitor their health status.
As of 3 April 2020, 12 pm, MOH has identified 15,442 close contacts who have been quarantined. Of these, 5,007 are currently quarantined, and 10,435 have completed their quarantine.

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