The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vivian Balakrishnan, expressed his gratitude towards unsung heroes in Singapore who work extra hard to let Singaporeans carry on with their daily lives amidst the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Mr Balakrishnan shared on his official Facebook page last night (19 March) about the effort contributed by the supermarket staff and Town Council cleaners. He thanked a supermarket employee who works for Fairprice Finest at Bukit Panjang Plaza.

Along with a photo taken with the employee, Mr Loh, Mr Balakrishnan mentioned that employees like him are the reason why residents have the privilege and convenience to shop for the daily necessities.

“This is Mr Loh Boon Huat at Bukit Panjang Plaza Fairprice Finest. I thanked him for his diligence and dedication so that residents could continue to shop for their daily necessities.”

Not just dedicated people like Mr Loh, but also the Town Council cleaners who are stepping up the cleaning regimes to maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of our surroundings.

“Cleaning regimes have also been stepped up across our town. Delighted to present Care Packs to our Town Council cleaners to show our appreciation for keeping our surroundings clean and hygienic,” wrote Mr Balakrishnan.

In order to show his appreciation for the Town Council cleaners, he distributed Care Packs for each cleaner.

Other than addressing the effort contributed by these selfless and tenacious workers, Mr Balakrishnan had also mentioned that there are sufficient supplies of goods as he asked everyone to remain patient because they are doing their best to replenish the supermarket shelves. To calm the people down from panic-buying and hoarding essentials, Mr Balakrishnan stated that food supplies from Malaysia will be carried on.

“We have a sufficient stockpile of essential goods. Food supplies will also continue to come in from Malaysia. We seek your understanding and patience as our shelves are being replenished,” said Mr Balakrishnan, relaying the statement released by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong regarding the continuation of the flow of goods and food supplies between Singapore and Malaysia.

Last but not least, Mr Balakrishnan urged everyone to practise good hygiene and do our part to keep the surrounding clean.

Many comments showed much support for Mr Balakrishnan’s actions, thanking him for highlighting these heroes who are easily overlooked and forgotten. Ms Tiffany Wong expressed that the COVID-19 situation had allowed her to appreciate and recognise the hard work contributed by the workers, and that COVID-19 serves as a chance for humility and gratitude to be instilled in all of us.

Ms Yanlim Lim observed that cleaners had been sanitising the elevators three times a day and it is peaceful at Bukit Panjang.

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