PM Lee says M’sian PM assures that flow of goods, food supplies and cargo between the two countries will continue

PM Lee says M’sian PM assures that flow of goods, food supplies and cargo between the two countries will continue

After the announcement of Movement Control Order in Malaysia, many were concerned about the goods and supplies in Singapore, as well as the Malaysian workers who commute to Singapore daily.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong posted a Facebook post today (17 March) to address this particular matter. Mr Lee mentioned that he had a phone call with Malaysia’s Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, today assuring that the flow of cargo and goods (including food supplies) between Singapore and Malaysia will resume.

He wrote, “I told him that I understood the reasons why he had made this move, and wished Malaysia success in containing the outbreak. I was happy to hear his reassurance that the flow of goods and cargo between Singapore and Malaysia, including food supplies, would continue.”

Mr Lee went on to say that Malaysians who live in Johor but go to work in Singapore will be required to follow the Movement Control Order and refrain from travelling outside of the country, including Singapore.

Although this may sound worrying to the workers, Mr Lee reassured that the government is working on arrangements with Singaporean companies to help these Malaysian workers stay in Singapore temporarily. This particular arrangement will only be carried out if the Malaysian workers are willing to do so.

As a response to the Movement Control Order which affects the traffic between Singapore and Malaysia, Mr Lee also said that both governments already appointed Senior Ministers on both sides—SM Teo Chee Hean and Dato’ Sri Ismail Sabri—to coordinate responses to the COVID-19 outbreak, “particularly on measures where we can work together, or where the actions of one country will affect the other”.

“They are already in touch, but it may take a couple of days for arrangements to be worked out and to settle down,” he added.

Additionally, Mr Lee said glad to see that there is no sign of hoarding despite long queues in supermarkets. He mentioned that people are purchasing only the items they need and that Singaporeans are calm, united and resilient as the government is working towards solving the problems.

To finish off his statement, Mr Lee said that there is no need to worry as the government has plans in place to cope for such an eventuality.

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