On Thursday (13 February), the Ministry of Education (MOE) announced that all school and private candidates who will be collecting their 2019 A-Level results on 21 February will be able opt to view their results online.

This is in light of the Covid-19 outbreak that has 50 confirmed cases in Singapore.

Before this, only private candidates were allowed to access their results online, whereas school candidates had to collect their results in person. But, things took a change this year due to the deadly coronavirus outbreak and students can choose to view their results online.

However, for those who still wish to collect their results in person, they can do so at their respective schools from 2.30pm next Friday.

Students who have decided to collect their results in their own schools will have to first declare their travel history and take their temperature before they arrive in school, the ministry said in a media release.

If that’s not all, students will also be asked to collect their results in small groups in classrooms, instead of the usual large gathering in the school hall.

The Ministry added that only those who are collecting their results will be allowed to enter the school premise.

As for students who prefer to view their results online, they can do so from 3pm onwards on the same day via the Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board’s (SEAB) website.

For candidates who are eligible for SingPass but are yet to activate it, they will receive a SingPass PIN mailer. Additionally, SEAB will also provide all candidates who are not eligible for SingPass with login details through their email. Both of these information will be provided by 19 February.

MOE also emphasised that students who are not feeling well, under quarantine orders or leave of absences as of 21 February, or affected by travel restrictions to Singapore, must not be present at school to take their results.

They should view their results online, and private candidates will get their results delivered to them via post.

The Ministry added that the result slips and certificates will also be sent to the candidates’ postal address provided by them during the registration period.

On Wednesday, the Ministry of Health (MOH) announced that three more people had been infected with the deadly coronavirus, and identified two new clusters of infection through epidemiological investigations and contact tracing.

To date, a total of 15 cases have fully recovered from the infection and have been discharged from hospital. Of the 35 confirmed cases who are still in hospital, most are stable or improving. Eight are in critical condition in the intensive care unit.

In fact, the number of confirmed cases in Singapore has exceed that of Thailand, making Singapore the second most infected country in the world after Japan, outside of China.

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