International airlines Air France-KLM, Virgin and Iberia said Thursday they would extend their initial suspension of flights to China where authorities are struggling to contain a coronavirus outbreak.

Air France-KLM said it would prolong the suspension of its flights to March 15.

The French-Dutch carrier had already suspended all flights to and from China until February 9 and last week began flying employees out of the country.

If conditions allow, it will gradually resume flights to Shanghai and Beijing starting March 16 before returning to normal schedules from March 29, including to Wuhan, the city at the epicentre of the virus outbreak, Air France-KLM said in a statement.

“Air France is monitoring the situation in China in real time and has been working closely with national and international health authorities since the outbreak of the coronavirus,” it said.

Virgin Atlantic, also said on Thursday that it was extending the suspension of its flights between London Heathrow and Shanghai until March 28.

“The health and safety of our customers and staff remains our absolute priority,” an airline spokesperson said.

And Spain’s Iberia said it would now not fly to China again until the end of April, at the earliest.

Several airlines have halted flights to China, and some to Hong Kong as well, many citing a drop in passengers because of fears of exposure to a virus that has killed more than 550 people and infected more than 28,000.

The outbreak has been declared a global health emergency, prompting several governments to warn against travel to China and ban new arrivals from the country.


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陈清木吁扶贫需要做更多 杨南强:本土贫穷状况令我震惊

本月10日,新加坡前进党举办的系列讲座首弹《新加坡贫穷,社会安全网政策鸿沟》,圆满举行,获得民众踊跃出席,由经济学家杨南强,与群众探讨国内的贫富不均问题。 前进党秘书长陈清木则在今日发文表示,感谢新加坡政府投资公司(GIC)前首席经济师杨南强应邀主讲,也指出后者清楚点出迫切的问题,也就是许多国民即便只是要满足基本需求,也显得捉襟见肘。 “国人非常关注这问题,而杨南强先生则梳理这些问题的根源、范畴,以及一些迫切需要采用的政策解决方案。” 陈清木直言,尽管政府亦推出许多政策来协助贫穷群体,但他认同杨南强的观点,也即我们迫切需要做得更多。 在上述讲座,曾担任国大李光耀公共政策研究所兼职教授的杨南强,也透露早在2007年,他就已展开跨部门调查探讨新加坡贫穷问题,“令我震惊和恐惧的是,我发现本土的贫穷状况,远比我想象的更糟糕。” 他表示,调查结果曾提呈给包括两名副总理和政务部长等官员,尽管其建议获得欢迎,然而杨南强认为,政府在落实这些件以上仍进度缓慢,导致鸿沟时至今日仍存在。 杨南强解释,“绝对贫穷”(absolute poor)意味着该群体的经常收入,无法满足他们体面地生存,以及诸如衣食住行、医疗、教育等基本需求,都无法达成。 “这对于整个社会来说,是痛苦且可耻的。” 他补充,尽管近年来绝对贫穷的比例已逐步减少,但最新的估计显示约有25万人仍在绝对贫穷群体中,这大约等同10万-13万家户,或7.5至10巴仙的家庭。 不过,杨南强也提出他让绝对这些群体摆脱绝对贫穷的建议,其一就是调升就业入息补贴(WIS)。他解释,即便落实有关补贴,还是有六万至7万5000个绝对贫穷家庭。 尽管他赞扬上述补贴措施,不过他也提醒其中有60巴仙需要填补到公积金,所以实际受惠者拿到手上的可用现金,仅每月100-150新元。…

游轮有乘客确诊返航 陈振声称“并非预料之外”

皇家加勒比游轮公司旗下的“海洋量子号”游轮,在前日(7日)启航,进行“无目的地”航行,但因一名83岁乘客,在冠病检测时呈阳性,结果游轮在今日需返航狮城。 乘客上船前都需要检测,上述老翁此前的检测结果为阴性。据新加坡旅游局指出,他因腹泻到船上的医疗中心求医,但却检测到阳性反应。所有曾接触患者的船员和乘客都要隔离。 不过,贸工部长陈振声,却认为游轮会出现冠病病例“并非预料之外”,要有完善的措施更为重要,如此在出现情况时能够迅速反应。 他称,政府当初允许游轮试行复航,就设想可能会出现这种情况。“所以为何要有措施,以确保类似情况发生,能够迅速做追踪、隔离必要的病例,以及让其余活动能继续进行。” 他称,当我国从疫情恢复、经济活动复苏,便采取风险管理的策略(risk management strategy),而不是消除风险的策略,不因为达到零风险而什么都不做,这也不符合我国的整体战略。