Singapore-based Australian paedophile sentenced to 35 years jail term by Melbourne court

Singapore-based Australian paedophile sentenced to 35 years jail term by Melbourne court


Boris Kunsevitsky, an Australian paedophile based in Singapore, has been jailed for sexually exploiting dozens of children around Southeast Asia.

Earlier this week, the Australian was sentenced to 35 years in prison by a Melbourne court after he pleaded guilty to sexually abusing children for more than 15 years and producing child pornography material in which he induced children to have sex with one another.

Kunsevitsky faced 59 criminal charges that included, producing child pornography, sexual exploitation of a child, persistent sexual abuse of a child, and importing child pornography material.

The sexual predator preyed on 47 children, 5 of whom resided in Singapore, where he stayed until his arrest in Australia two years ago.

Boris Kunsevitsky will serve at least 28 years of his jail sentence before he is eligible for parole.

A spokesperson for the Supreme Court of Victoria explained that the sentencing comprised a term of imprisonment for two State charges. This would include 11 years with a non-parole period of 8 years, plus the term of imprisonment for the Commonwealth charges, which was 24 years with a non-parole period of 20 years.

The Commonwealth charges cover his paedophiliac criminal actions in the Philippines, Indonesia and Singapore. Meanwhile, state charges cover crimes committed in Victoria, Australia.

According to court documents, Kunsevitsky grew up in Russia and followed his family to Australia at the age of 12, and finally he relocated to Singapore and stayed here from 2001 to 2017.

In Singapore, he was employed as a director selling aesthetic equipment by a local firm Esthemedica. The company has disclosed to Channel News Asia (CNA) that it did not know of Kunsevitsky’s crimes.


Legal documents indicate that his victims were from ages 10 -17,  and the majority of the offences were committed in the Philippines. He has also left a trail of abused children in Singapore and Indonesia.

Private details regarding the children as well as others who were severely affected have been redacted by the court.

The history of his crimes are traceable to January 2001, where he engaged in sexual acts with a child under the age of 16 in the Philippines.

Whereas, in Singapore, between the years of 2002 and 2003, he took 17 photographs of a child between the ages of 10 to 14 and proceeded to sexually exploit the victim. This took place in Kunsevitsky’s home.

Authorities were also able to find 28 photographs of another boy in Singapore that dated back to November 2002, where he forced his victim to perform various sexual acts.

His other victims in Singapore are not mentioned in the court documents.

According to prosecutor Krista Breckweg, the offender was a prolific traveler, as he had explained in his police interview that he traveled extensively for work.

The prosecutor added that some of his offences occurred in Singapore where he was based for most of the charged periods between January 2001 to September 2017.

His crimes were kept untraceable until one of his many victims was identified back in 2016. Some 55 pornographic child images of an Australian boy who was groomed and abused by Kunsevitsky surfaced and was found by the German authorities.

Following this, a warrant for Kunsevitsky’s arrest was issued in Australia. However, the warrant could not be executed as he was residing in Singapore.

He was finally arrested when he returned to Australia in September, 2017.

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