Operation Night Fury: Group-IB helps take down a cybergang behind the infection of hundreds of websites all over the world

Operation Night Fury: Group-IB helps take down a cybergang behind the infection of hundreds of websites all over the world

Indonesia, Jakarta (27 January) — Operators of the JavaScript-sniffer family, dubbed GetBilling by Group-IB, were arrested in Indonesia. The arrest came as a result of a joint operation “Night Fury” initiated by INTERPOL’s ASEAN Cyber Capability Desk (ASEAN Desk) that involved Indonesian Cyber Police (BARESKRIM POLRI (Dittipidsiber)) and Group-IB’s APAC Cyber Investigations Team.

The operation is still ongoing in other five ASEAN countries with which the intelligence was also shared. This case marks the first successful multi-jurisdictional operation against the operators of JavaScript-sniffers in the region.

According to Group-IB’s data, the suspects have managed to infect hundreds of ecommerce websites in various locations, including in Indonesia, Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, Brazil, and some other countries. Payment and personal data of thousands of online shoppers from Asia, Europe, and the Americas have been stolen.

The three suspects with the initials ANF (27 y.o.)K (35 y.o.), and N (23 y.o.) were arrested in December 2019 in two different regions in Indonesia  Special Region of Yogyakarta and Special Capital Region of Jakarta  as part of the joint  operation “Night Fury” carried out by Indonesian Cyber Police and INTERPOL with the help of Group-IB’s Cyber Investigations team.

During the special operation, Indonesian Cyber Police seized laptops, mobile phones of various brands, CPU units, IDs, BCA Token, ATM cards. The suspected operators of the GetBilling JavaScript-sniffer family are charged with the theft of electronic data, which carries up to a 10-year jail sentence in accordance with Indonesian criminal code.

Image from Group-IB

“Strong and effective partnerships between police and the cybersecurity industry are essential to ensure law enforcement worldwide has access to the information they need to address the scale and complexity of today’s cyberthreat landscape,” said Craig Jones, INTERPOL’s Director of Cybercrime.

“This successful operation is just one example of how law enforcement are working with industry partners, adapting and applying new technologies to aid investigations and ultimately reduce the global impact of cybercrime,” he added.

“There are many challenges and obstacles in cross-border hi-tech crime investigations like this,” noted Police Superintendent Idam Wasiadi, Cybercrime Investigator at Directorate of Cybercrime of CID of Indonesian National Police.

“The Night Fury Operation showed that these obstacles could only be overcome with close collaboration between national law enforcement, international organizations and private companies. Effective multi-jurisdictional coordination of efforts between Indonesia’s Cyber Police, INTERPOL and Group-IB allowed to attribute the crimes, establish the perpetrators behind the JS-sniffer and arrest them. But more importantly to protect the community and raise public awareness about the problem of cybercrime and its impact.”

“With cybercrime being a growing threat across the region, the ASEAN Desk was launched by INTERPOL to assist law enforcement agencies enhance their proactive response against cybercrime,” remarked Mr James Tan, Acting Assistant Director (Strategy & Capabilities Development).

“Through this operation, it is clear that timely intelligence sharing and coordinated actions are the ways forward to effectively combat cybercrime regionally and globally”, he concluded.

For more information, read the full report here.

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