The government has given notice that it would be starting a new programme to get more foreigners to work in Singapore on Employment Pass (EP), which does not carry any quota limitation. Currently, the minimum qualifying salary for EP is $3,600, only $100 more than the median pay of $3,500 for fresh graduates in Singapore.
The government started announcing on Tuesday (30 Jul) through Economic Development Board (EDB) and Enterprise Singapore saying that foreign PMETs looking to work in Singapore as “core team members” of technology companies might have more flexible requirements over the application of their EP.
The 2 government agencies will help “facilitate” easier entry of foreign PMETs to become “core team members” of technology companies operating in Singapore. That is to say, it’s only meant for the tech industry.
But 2 days later on Thursday (1 Aug), Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing suddenly told Bloomberg that the two-year programme which was planned to entice foreign tech talent to Singapore may be opened to other industries, apart from the technology-driven ones. In other words, this special programme to “facilitate” easier entry of foreign PMETs on EP would be opened to all industries.
Chan said that he is all set to extend the programme to other fields, without actually naming the areas. “Singapore has never limited top talent coming into Singapore,” Chan said. “These are not people competing with the average Singaporean, these are the people who are competing for Singapore.”
Singapore’s education is top in the world
Many netizens have been questioning what has happened to our education system which is supposed to be top in the world. Many are asking despite having a top education system in the world, why can’t Singapore produce our own talents and why the government needs to constantly import foreign ones.
Indeed, according to a 2016 BBC report, Singapore has the highest achieving students in the international education Pisa rankings, with its students coming top in tests in maths, reading and science (the next Pisa results would be released in Dec this year).
The influential Pisa rankings, run by the OECD, are based on tests taken by 15-year-olds in more than 70 countries. OECD education director Andreas Schleicher praised Singapore that it was “not only doing well, but getting further ahead”.
Singapore came in first place in all the Pisa test subjects, ahead of school systems across Asia, Europe, Australasia and North and South America.
The OECD Pisa tests taken every three years, have become increasingly influential on politicians who see their countries and their policies being measured against these global school league tables.
“So why is Singapore so successful at education?” BBC asked. “Singapore only became an independent country in 1965. And while in the UK the Beatles were singing We Can Work It Out, in Singapore they were really having to work it out, as this new nation had a poor, unskilled, mostly illiterate workforce.”
“The small Asian country focused relentlessly on education as a way of developing its economy and raising living standards. And from being among the world’s poorest, with a mix of ethnicities, religions and languages, Singapore has overtaken the wealthiest countries in Europe, North America and Asia to become the number one in education,” BBC added.
And when comes to tertiary education, Singapore’s universities are world-class as well. According to a news report 2 months ago (Jun 2019), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and National University of Singapore (NUS) are now jointly ranked in the top spot in Asia in the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings, which is read by educational institutions and governments.
Globally, NUS and NTU are ranked 11th jointly in the world, beating even many prestigious Ivy League universities in America:

Singapore ranked 13th in world having best developers
Even in the area of computer programming, Singaporean coders are doing well too. According to a study published by HackerRank three years ago, Singaporean coders were ranked 13th in the world globally. It was a study to see which countries have the best developers.
HackerRank is a popular free coding practice website that allows developers to hone their coding skills by solving challenges. Based on the speed and accuracy with which people finish the challenges, HackerRank has ranked 1.5 million developers coming from all over the world.
Singapore came in a respectable 13th:

Incidentally, despite the much touted prowess of Indian programmers, especially those working in the IT sector of Singapore, India was ranked a mediocre 31st position, worse than the rankings of Vietnam, Chile and Turkey.
In any case, Chan and his 4G PAP leaders appear to favour foreign talents over the local ones, by his call to extend the special EP scheme to all industries soon.

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以优惠价企图骗订金! 网友揭自身经历提醒勿贪小便宜

近日我国电话诈骗频传,许多民众纷纷接到骗子的来电,并将与骗子“斗智斗勇”的视频上传到网络上。这些诈骗电话多数自称来自银行,但也有网友在近日表示,居然在网络上购物时,也差点被骗。 该名网友Paul Teo在脸书上公开自己差点受骗的历程。据帖文指出,他原本想透过网络上购买手机,但自己未使用官方网购平台,而是和一位卖家私信,后者以“优惠价”欲向他达成交易。 起初,他并未即时意识到异常,加上骗徒具有说服力与被优惠价所吸引,当局者迷,才会一步步陷入骗徒圈套。 “他(骗徒)非常具有说服力,称自己也有家室,想和我套关系,并以可立即获得手机和优惠价为由诱惑我。” Paul表示,一切布局看似极具吸引,但在获得手机前,他表示必须先付定金200元。对此,Paul也指出,起初并不疑有他,但Paul提议面对面付款,而骗徒却以公司政策,并将自己的身份证字号拍给他看,让他安心。 “我当时心想,不会有人为了骗我200块而和我谈了将近三小时吧”,于是他最后决定先付定金,并等待手机的到来。 不料,未等到手机到来前,骗徒再以“冠病保障定金”为由,要求再付300元。网友说,当下他才恍然大悟,原来这一切皆为骗局。 Paul随后便向他讨回之前的订金而被骗徒拒绝,骗徒此时仍试图说服他继续购买。但此时的网友已意识到,并警告骗徒若无法偿还订金,他会立即报警。 网友也称赞警方的办事效率,并指出目前已报警处理,警方也设法助他索回损失。 对此,网友也表示,千万不要因为贪小便宜而落入骗徒的圈套,为了阻止更多的人受骗,他也决定将自身经历放上网络,以示警告。 该帖文截至今日已获得逾900次转载,逾800多赞,网友纷纷表示天下果然没有白费的午餐,部分网友也指出有些骗局确实具有说服力,让你难以分出真假,只能提醒自己不要贪小便宜。

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