Netizens question Singapore’s safety after foreign worker charged for raping student near Kranji War Memorial

Netizens question Singapore’s safety after foreign worker charged for raping student near Kranji War Memorial

Indian national Chinnaiah Karthik will be seen in court in June to face an aggravated rape charge as he attacked and raped a female university student in Kranji.

On 4 May, the 21-year-old foreign worker purportedly approached the 23-year-old student along Turf Club Avenue at around 1.30am, according to Chinese daily Lianhe Wanbao.

Although it was reported that the student tried to defend herself and fight back, but the perpetrator retaliated by attacking her.

Following that, he brought her into a forested area between the Singapore Turf Club and Kranji War Memorial, and raped her. This was revealed based on the report and court documents.

However, it is not certain if the victim was jogging or walking home during the wee hours, or if the attack was actually pre-planned.

After the attack, police managed to identify Chinnaiah based on the images recorded via the surveillance placed in the area, which included a camera that was attached to a lamp post in the vicinity.

As such, Lianhe Wanbao reported that the man was apprehended the following day during a police ambush near his place of living. The Chinese daily also added that he is currently being remanded and investigations are ongoing.

Chinnaiah was charged in court on 7 May and his case will be heard on 3 June in the High Court. If he is found guilty, he could face a jail sentence of between eight and 20 years, and at least 12 strokes of the cane.

After reading this news, many netizens wrote on ST’s Facebook page stating that Singapore is no longer safe for women to walk around freely. They noted that with more foreign workers entering the country, the city-state is not as safe as it used to be as they are threatening the safety of women here.

In addition, online users are calling for a harsher or maximum punishment given to the accuse. This is so it teaches him and other foreign workers a lesson and not to take Singapore for granted.

However, others had warned ladies to not walk alone at places that may seem secluded, especially late at night. They also suggested them to bring someone along if they need to go out late at night, adding to not take safety for granted.

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