NUS review committee on framework to address sexual misconduct finally convenes, to submit preliminary recommendations by mid-May

NUS review committee on framework to address sexual misconduct finally convenes, to submit preliminary recommendations by mid-May

The much talked about review committee set up by the National University of Singapore (NUS) to look into the university’s disciplinary and support framework around sexual misconduct has finally convened. In fact, they had their first meeting on 30 April, five days after the town hall between NUS leadership and students following the sexual voyeur incident on campus.

In an email by the Chairman of the committee who is also a member of the NUS Board of Trustees, Mdm Kay Kuok, it was confirmed that the review committee will include 8 members in total, five of whom are women. These are:

  • Board of Trustees member Ng Wai King,
  • NUS President Tan Eng Chye,
  • SMU President Lily Kong (who was previously NUS Vice-Provost)
  • Ambassador-at-large Chan Heng Chee
  • Graduate fellow from Tembusu College (Murni Marisa Bte Mahat),
  • Deputy Student Life Secretary of NUS Student Union (Richard Wang)
  • Tay Pei Ling, President of King Edward VII Hall’s Junior Common Room Committee

In the email, Mdm Kuok promised on behalf of the committee that they will conduct a “comprehensive review” and “a transparent and consultative process” in order to receive feedback from the NUS community on concerns regarding sexual misconduct on campus.

Mdm Kuok added, “We have resolved to consult boradly, including with students at NUS and experts at NUS and other institutions and organisations to ensure that changes made reflect global best practices and the needs and expectations of our whole community”.

She assured that the committee will also provide updates of their work.

As outlined in the email, the committee’s terms of reference are:

  1. Review the disciplinary process, particularly the sanctions framework
  2. Address gaps in the victim support framework and rehabilitation support for offenders
  3. Study the adequacy of NUS campus security and infrastructure
  4. Review the NUS’ efforts to better educate all students and faculty on consent and respect to protect themselves and one another
  5. Recommended changes to existing processes and frameworks that are fair and firm

Acknowledging the “importance and urgency” of their work, Mdm Kuok added that the committee will have some recommendations “ready for consultation” by mid-May, adding that full recommendations will be available by mid-June.

She writes further that the university has already made progress on enhancing the physical security in halls and residences on campus, adding that that the Provost will provide more details “in the coming days”.

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