50-year-old man fined $16,000 and issued 12-month disqualification order for causing unnecessary pain and suffering to animals

50-year-old man fined $16,000 and issued 12-month disqualification order for causing unnecessary pain and suffering to animals

A 50-year-old man was fined $16,000 or eight weeks imprisonment in default for causing unnecessary pain and suffering to animals, as well as being disqualified from owning a pet for 12 months.

The Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) was alerted to a case of a cat and a kitten thrown out of a HDB unit window at Boon Lay Drive in July 2017.

The cat then ran away from the location and the kitten was rescued and adopted by a passer-by.

The witness was unable to see anyone committing the act, however, AVA’s investigation identified Krishnasamy S/O Kaliyappan as the perpetrator.

Fortunately, AVA found the kitten to be healthy and uninjured.

AVA stressed that it investigates all feedback on alleged animal cruelty.

“We will take enforcement action against anyone who has committed an act of animal cruelty and will press for deterrent sentences, if warranted. Individuals who commit animal cruelty are liable to a maximum fine of $15,000 and/or 18 months jail term for first convictions,” the authority stated.

Safeguarding animal welfare is a shared responsibility that requires the cooperation of all stakeholders, including the public.

While AVA continues to ensure that the necessary enforcement action is taken and to raise awareness on animal welfare, it noted that members of the public can play their part by being vigilant. The public should promptly report cases of animal welfare issues to AVA via its 24-hour hotline, 1800-476-1600, or via its website.

Earlier this month, a stirring incident of animal cruelty took place at Galistan Avenue in Bukit Panjang, where at least 3 dogs were found cremated. 18 dogs and 1 pet rabbit were found ill treated inside the facility and at least 2 dogs went missing.

The Platinium Dogs Club has been under investigation by the authorities following complaints of alleged mistreatment of animals under its care.

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