It was reported that over the weekend (14-15 Dec), a traffic nightmare came to life for commuters heading out of Singapore at both the Tuas and Woodlands Checkpoints.

One passenger told ST that she had to endure an 8 hour journey simply to get to JB on Friday afternoon (14 Dec).

Yesterday (17 Dec), the traffic jams continued to haunt the commuters. At 7.44am, ICA posted a message on Facebook saying that there was a van which broke down along the causeway, heading towards Singapore.

ICA’s posting caused a reaction, with more people getting angry and condemning ICA on its Facebook page.

Netizens condemn ICA

Eng Aun Lee wrote, “Jam whole bridge towards Singapore since 4 am, no explanation and now u just came out with an excuse at 7.45 am saying that the jam is caused by a van breakdown??? Everyone were stuck in the massive jam for at least 3 and half hours just to get into Singapore!”

Wai Wei Lin revealed that few counters were opened, “Just open 2 line and Few counter …that’s why very Jam…not the Van break Down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stuck few Hours because of nobody work????? Please wake up…okay?”

“4hr jam Thank you for so hard working,” Kc Dan sarcastically commented.

Sri Dharan Subramaniam asked, “Do you guys think ica care about this….? No!!!!”

Mike Lim also angrily commented, “Took more than 3 hrs to get back into SG from Malaysia thru the woodlands causeway at 3am this morning, only 1 Sg immigration booth is operating per car lane, traffic was backup all the way to Johor side. There gotta be a better way to manage this!! Everybody understand peak traffic condition but only 1 operating booth per car lane on School holidays/Sun/Pre-Christmas shopping spree is ridiculous!! Is this some sort of conspiracy theory?”

Prominent Singaporean business woman, Jun Low shared on her Facebook page that only four immigration counters were open despite the long queue, she asked, “is that our efficiency of our country? Should the authority not look into it?”

Johor authority confirms jam caused by Singapore’s side

Meanwhile, Malaysian media, The Star, reported that “tighter security checks” on the Singapore side are causing a traffic backlog in Johor (‘Tighter security checks by Singapore causing traffic backlog in Johor‘).

It quoted Johor Traffic Enforcement and Investigation Department chief, Supt Razak Md Said, saying that Singapore has imposed tighter security checks on vehicles going through its checkpoints at Woodlands and Tuas.

“We do not know when they started increasing security checks but the traffic congestion became apparent since this morning (17 Dec)”, he said. “We will be monitoring the traffic condition to ensure the safety of users.”

Indeed, due to the high cost of living in Singapore, many cost-conscious Singaporeans are already flocking to Johor for their groceries, dining, medicine, health supplements and shopping because of the huge cost savings they can get. With the massive jams now occurring at the Singapore checkpoints, it can only make the lives of these Singaporeans even more miserable.

No wonder Singaporeans are angry with their own government agency ICA.

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“质问储备金看管者薪资,在其他先进国不足为奇” 毕丹星:负责任反对党不盲从

前日,工人党秘书长暨阿裕尼集选区议员毕丹星,与副总理兼财政部长王瑞杰针对追加预算案交锋。毕丹星提及,反对党也同样是政府开支和储备的协同“监管者”,这是所有人都需要共同承担的。毕丹星强调无意在此时为难财政部和其团队,不过当政府在需动用储备推行政策时,需要自问“这些是否足够、太多?太少?” 对此王瑞杰在国会曾回应,鉴于国家安全和战略考量,政府不公开国家储备金的总额;也指收支条规是经过仔细敲定;提呈拨款法案都要向总统和总统顾问理事会报备和详加解释。而我国当前的制度也肯定比其他债台高筑的国家好很多,故此“劝勉”毕丹星我国还是必须谨慎行事。 毕丹星在昨日也少有地以中英双语在脸书发文,直言“对于任何当权者来说,透露详细信息极有可能引起更多公众质问的数据,从而令他们对于信息披露犹豫不决。这样的抉择的背后即有充足的理由,也可能有值得令人质疑的原因。” 毕丹星认为,过去几年,舆论有潜移默化的现象,尤其队国家储备金课题,已超越了封闭式政治体系那一套“不闻,不答”。 毕丹星在国会,曾以《商业时报》的一则报导,指出建议把国家储备金分成两部分:一部分用来做为赚取净收入回报的基础,这部分的数目可公布。其余的部分为安全起见当然可以保密。 “去年,我在国会向财政部长提出询问,我国的政府财政报表为什么无法供国人在网上查看(绝大部分公众并不知道在勿拉士峇沙路的李光前参考图书馆存有一份)。” “我当时得到的回答是:‘为了让公众简明易懂’,财政部摘选了相关资讯,发表在财政预算案有关的文件中。但财政部长也补充 ‘我们会继续检讨以及更新我们发布政府账目资讯的各种方式。’” 毕丹星指出,每一个市镇理事会和法定机构的财政报表,都能在网上找到。政府的财政报表同样地也应该在线上供人查看。财政报表列出国家各方面费用,如:德光岛填海工程的花费、为未来发展征用土地的费用、警察电眼监控系统的价格等等。 毕丹星认为,一个负责任的反对党,绝不是盲目顺从的——它必须在新加坡的国会制民主与治理之下扮演重要的角色。例如,询问负责投资和保护储备金的人们的收入,特别是当他们的薪金是从纳税者的税收而来时,在任何发展国家这并不稀奇,而方荣发先生也曾问过这个问题。“答案呢?却叫我们不必把焦点放在一、两个开销项目上。” 国家储备金被动用(或不被动用)的每一个当儿,所有议员与公众都必须了解并权衡当权的政府,不单单是一个行动党政府,所能够(或应该)给予国人的支持。 非执政党议员由于无法了解全面情况,唯有听取行动党或任何未来的政府所提供的资讯。我们能做得更好。就如开头引述的《商业时报》建议,我国肯定有许多可以进步的空间,不止是关于储备金的问题,而是涵盖更广的许多其他财务金融课题。


人民之声党创办人林鼎,将在本周六(16日)下午4时至7时,于芳林公园举办“新加坡的问责制怎么了?”集会。 林鼎昨日在脸书发文,欢迎民众踊跃出席。根据其贴文的资讯,有关集会将谈及对政治领袖和公职者的问责制,强调缺乏问责的政府代价是巨大的。 林鼎质问,人民必须对自己的生活、学业和工作负责。如果表现不好或失当,也会被骂、被惩罚和开除。然而, 政府要员做错事,却没有人需要出来负责、没人因此引咎辞职。现有政策只是为了保护他们的不足和失策。 他质问,何以国民服役事故频发,黄永宏仍是国防部长;出现医疗个资和艾滋病患个资泄露、C型肝炎感染事件,颜金勇还能继续当卫生部长。 “为何不归还您的公积金积蓄?回酬又少得可怜?公积金政策怎么朝令夕改?再者,国人的就业集会拱手让给外籍人士。” 林鼎说,这些问题显示我国施政缺乏问责,国人应该向政治领导追究责任,因为社会的维系需要相互的关怀和负责行为,只有加强问责才能避免一再陷入失误。 “我们的政府要员薪酬全球最高,他们理应对纳税人负责。”  


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