Singaporean netizens call for military action against Malaysia over maritime dispute

Singaporean netizens call for military action against Malaysia over maritime dispute

With all this talk about the current ongoing dispute between Singapore and Malaysia over port limits and territorial sovereignty, Transport Minister Khaw Boon Wan’s strong statement has lit a fire in a number of Singaporean’s who are calling for the Republic to take a stronger stand.

In a press conference, Minister Khaw describes this maritime dispute as ‘a serious new issue in our bilateral relations with Malaysia’ and stated that the country ‘will not hesitate to take firm action against intrusions and unauthorised activities’ in Singapore waters.’

Some netizens seem to have taken Minister Khaw’s words to heart and are calling for Singapore to take military action against any Malaysian government vessels that encroach into Singaporean territory. A few even suggest that a war might be necessary if Malaysia refuses to back down from it’s claim:

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