Source: The Straits Times.

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has stated that it is in discussions with the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) and industry stakeholders on providing an exemption for food products containing alcohol, where there is little or low likelihood of alcohol abuse

In a press release on Thursday (25 October), the ministry stated that the Liquor Control (Supply and Consumption) Act (LCA) was implemented in 2015 to restrict the sale of liquor at retail outlets and consumption of liquor in public places between 10.30pm and 7am daily.

The Act applies to alcoholic products containing more than 0.5% alcohol.

Under the Act, members of public can still consume the liquor within licensed premises such as restaurants, coffee shops or bars, in accordance with the hours stipulated in their licences.

According to the ministry, the measures have significantly reduced public drunkenness and related disamenities.

The ministry stated that if the review is approved, such exempted products can then be sold and consumed without the restrictions specified under the LCA.

The Act came after an incident happened in December 2013, when hundreds of foreign workers confront anti-riot forces after a worker was run over by a bus and the government claims that the cause of the riot was attributed to intoxicated individuals at the scene.

Stricter rules apply for Geylang and Little India, which are designated Liquor Control Zones. Retailers there cannot sell alcohol from 7 pm on Saturday to 7 am on Monday.

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