Dr Lee Weiling: Minister K Shanmugam knew Lee Kuan Yew's real wish and concern as LKY had consulted him

Dr Lee Weiling: Minister K Shanmugam knew Lee Kuan Yew's real wish and concern as LKY had consulted him

Dr Lee Weiling has just posted a Facebook post, anguishing over the alleged changes in Mr K Shanmugam, Minister of Home Affairs and Law whom she had been good friends with.
Dr Lee, who is the daughter of late Lee Kuan Yew and sister of the current Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, has been embroiled in an ongoing dispute between the Lee family and allegations of PM Lee’s abuse of state organs to achieve his personal desires.
In her post, she wrote that both Mr K Shanmugam and her were once very good friends and had helped each other a great deal.
She also noted that the Minister knows of Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s real wish and concern as her father had consulted him when the Minister was invited by her to the property at 38 Oxley Road.
“His view on conflicts of interests is absurd and unethical. It is sad to see how he has changed.” wrote Dr Lee.

Just yesterday, Mr Lee Hsien Yang who is also the brother of PM Lee, highlighted that he and his sister were not given the list of the committee that was formed to deliberate on the government’s decision in regards to the property at 38 Oxley Road when asked. They were only informed through Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean’s statement issued on Saturday late afternoon.
Mr Lee had written in his post that he and his sister had expressed specific concerns on the possible membership of Mr K Shanmugam and his conflict of interest having advised Lee Kuan Yew and the two on options to help achieve Lee Kuan Yew’s wishes, and the drafting of the demolition wish.

In his post, Mr Lee attached a screenshot of an email which shows Dr Lee Weiling writing to Minister K Shanmugam on the matter of 38 Oxley Road in July 2011.
“This represents a clear conflict of interest. When we raised this in writing, we were brushed off by Lawrence Wong with “Nothing you have stated precludes any member of the Cabinet from taking part in the Committee’s work or its deliberations, with the exception of the Prime Minister.” wrote Mr Lee
Following Mr Lee’s post, Mr K Shanmugam issued a rebuttal on his Facebook page, writing that there are dozens of Cabinet Committees set up on a variety of matters. Noting that some are permanent, some are temporary and that their composition is not public and they report to the Cabinet and challenged Mr Lee Hsien Yang to get a lawyer to write to him for his response.
“I am well aware of the rules of conflict, having been in practice for over 22 years. The suggestion that I am in conflict is ridiculous. If Mr Lee Hsien Yang seriously believes that I was in conflict, he can get a lawyer to write to me and I will respond.” wrote Mr K Shanmugam.
He further added, “I was already a Cabinet Minister when I spoke with some members of the Lee family — at their behest — and gave them my views. They were not my clients. Nothing that I said then precludes me from serving in this Committee.”

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