Malaysian female gets assistance from fellow passengers to arrest alleged molester on coach

Malaysian female gets assistance from fellow passengers to arrest alleged molester on coach

A Malaysian girl, Xin Yan, posted a story on her Facebook account of an alleged sexual attack that she encountered while taking a bus from Singapore back to Malaysia.
The post went viral with more than 5,550 shares and 1,650 comments.
Ms Yan wrote that she has been working in Singapore for more than three years and usually takes a bus home from Larkin to Batu Pahat.
During her usual commute back to Larkin on Sunday (30 April), she felt someone touch her waist. However, she did not think much of it as she thought it was an accident. She wrote that there was a man sitting behind her but continued playing with her phone as she could not see anything out of the ordinary.
She wrote that she has the habit of falling asleep on the bus and as she was sleeping, she suddenly felt a hand on her chest. This woke her up and she saw the man who was sitting behind her, was now beside her.
Xin Yan wrote that the man was shocked when she awoke and quickly scrambled back to his original seat. She immediately turned around and shouted loudly at the man, “What are you doing!?”
According to her, the man was very frightened and explained that he was just adjusting the air-con. She then told the man that he does not have to stand to adjust the air-con “You can do it while sitting down. Do you also have to be next to me to adjust it?” said Xin Yan
However, the man kept on insisting that he did not touch her. She did not reply to what he said and replied, “You don’t have to say so much, whether you did touch me or not, later when we arrive, follow me to the police station and you can explain yourself there.”
She then called her father and asked him to come along with her brother to the Batu Pahat Bus Terminal to apprehend the man. When the coach arrived at the Ayer Hitam rest point, the male repeatedly told the driver that he had to get off at this point as his mother is there waiting for him.
Seeing this, Xin Yan went forth to beseech the driver not to let him go and said that she wanted to bring him to the police station for touching her.
Xin Yan wrote, “Thank god that all the racial friends are those who can tell right from wrong”
A Malay lady came forth to ask about what had happened and was informed of the whole matter. The Malay lady too asked the driver not to let the man get off the coach.
The man repeatedly pleaded to the bus driver to let him go. The bus driver then told him, “If you really didn’t do it, just go along to the police station and the truth will be revealed.”
The same Malay lady who knew about the matter, was afraid the man would run away and told the man to get back to his seat which the man refused to do.
However, a Malay uncle could not bear to watch anymore scolded the man, ordering him to return to his seat. The uncle also went forth to ask Xin Yan about what happened.
However, as she was explaining the matter to the uncle. The man escaped through the emergency exit so quickly that the passengers could not react in time. Fortunately, the Malay lady saw him running and chase the man along with her boyfriend.
“At last, they managed to catch him. I had also gotten down from the bus and ran after him.” wrote Xin Yan.
She recalled an infuriating moment when a Chinese uncle rode a motorbike over and asked what had happened. He then asked Xin Yan to give the man another chance when he heard that they intended to bring the man to the police station. She replied, “Uncle, why don’t you allow your daughter to be molested and then ask her to give the guy another chance?” The uncle then kept silent and left.
At the police station, it was said that the man still attempted to escape and a female police officer had to lock him up to prevent any more attempts.
At the end of her Facebook status, Xin Yan asked all women to always be careful and never keep silent in such situations.
“If you ever have a similar experience like mine, do not keep quiet and be afraid of speaking out. Let the people in the bus know what is happening so that there are extra eyes helping you keep watch over the alleged perpetrator.”
“Please don’t ask anyone to treat sexual assault as a small issue and ask them not to make a report. Because this is an important matter, and if you are not the victim, you wouldn’t understand their feelings,” she wrote.

Source: Xin Yan Facebook account.
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