Source: CNB.

Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) and Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) seized 3.1kg of ‘Ice’, 2kg of cannabis, 1,700 Erimin-5 tablets and 60 ‘Ecstasy’ tablets during checks at Woodlands Checkpoint on 2 May 2017.
At about 10.40pm, Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) officers directed an arriving Singapore-registered car, driven by a lone male Singaporean, for further checks at Woodlands Checkpoint.
According to ICA, there were three plastic bags containing different boxes of items in the car. During inspection, ICA officers uncovered Erimin-5 tablets concealed in a box of washing powder.
Officers from the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) were alerted and conducted further checks on the other boxes.
The 35-year-old man was then arrested and CNB followed up with an operation to arrest the suspected intended recipients of the seized drugs.
According to the authorities, the sizeable quantity of ‘Ice’, cannabis, Erimin-5 and ‘Ecstasy’ tablets were found concealed in boxes of washing powder, flour and cereals.

Source: CNB.
Source: CNB.
CNB officers arrested three suspected drug traffickers in the vicinity of Woodlands Avenue 4 on 3 May 2017 at 1.08am as well.
A search was conducted on the car of the first suspect, a 32-year-old male Singaporean, and officers recovered 17 ‘Ecstasy’ tablets, 8g of ‘Ice’, cash amounting to S$22,800, a digital weighing scale and numerous empty plastic sachets.
CNB officers also searched the car of the other two suspects, a 27-year-old male Singaporean and a 24-year-old female Singaporean. Cash amounting to S$12,250 was recovered from within the car. A search conducted at the Pasir Ris residence of the 27-year-old man recovered small amounts of ‘Ice’, ketamine and cannabis.
CNB stated that cash amounting to S$12,250 was recovered from within the car. A search conducted at the Pasir Ris residence of the 27-year-old man recovered small amounts of ‘Ice’, ketamine and cannabis.
CNB officers also arrested another suspected drug trafficker, a 25-year-old male Singaporean, in the vicinity of Orchard Towers at about 5.35am.
Investigations into the drug activities of all the arrested suspects are ongoing.
The Misuse of Drugs Act (MDA) provides for the death penalty if the amount of methamphetamine trafficked exceeds 250g.
According to CNB, 250g of methamphetamine is sufficient to feed the addiction of about 185 abusers for a week. The MDA also provides for the death penalty if the amount of cannabis trafficked exceeds 500g.

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