Source: PAP Tampines Changkat Facebook account.

Mr Othman Wok, one of Singapore’s first-generation leaders, was laid to rest on Tuesday (18 April) afternoon.
The body of Mr Othman left his family home at about 11.55am on Tuesday. He passed away on Monday (17 April) at Singapore General Hospital at the age of 92.
The casket was moved to the Sultan Mosque at North Bridge Road for the funeral prayer. It was received by pallbearers, including Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs Yaacob Ibrahim.
The state flag was then draped over Mr Othman’s casket as the highest state honour. It was also accompanied by the Order of Nila Utama (2nd Class) that was awarded to him.
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and other Cabinet ministers, as well as Mr Othman’s family members, were all present during the ceremony.

The funeral prayer was held at the mosque.

Source: MCI.
The casket left Sultan Mosque after Zohor prayer in the midst of a massive thunderstorm.

Mr Othman’s casket was then transported to a gun carriage to begin its journey to the burial site at the Choa Chu Kang Muslim Cemetery.

His casket was then received by a coffin-bearer party at the cemetery. The party comprised of nine officers from the army, navy, air force and police force.

Mr Othman’s coffin arrived just after 3pm yesterday. It was transported from the gun carriage to the burial site.
The state flag was then handed to one of Mr Othman’s daughters.

Source: PAP Tampines Changkat Facebook account.
A bugler played the Last Post at the Choa Chu Kang Muslim Cemetery during the State-assisted funeral for Mr Othman.
Source: PAP Tampines Changkat Facebook account.
A memorial service for Mr Othman, which will be organised by for invited guests, will be held on Wednesday at 6.30pm at Victoria Concert Hall. The Singapore Police Force has announced traffic arrangements regarding road closures and heavy traffic for the public to take note of.

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