Source : Facebook page.

Pictures of electronic notice of smoking offences circulating online are causing a stir among netizens. Facebook page posted a picture of the notice and wrote that smoking in any multi-story car park (MSCP) would attract a $200 fine.
It noted that National Environment Agency (NEA) enforcement officers are in plain clothes and most probably moves around in pairs and carries a sling bag.
“Do not let your hard-earned money go up in smoke,” the post said.
The notice shows that the offender was caught inside the multi-storey carpark at car park lot No.52 of Block 267 – Punggol Field.
“You have been charged with committing the following offence: You did smoke a lighted cigarette in a specified place, to wit, inside multi-storey and basement carparks contrary to section 3(2) of the Smoking (Prohibition In Certain Places) Act (Chapter 310,” the notice stated.
It also noted that the offender might not attend the Court if the payment has been done. However, if he or she fails to pay or appear before the Court if he or she chooses not to have the offence compounded, the Police may issue a warrant for an arrest.

Source : Facebook page.
Another Facebook user, Adrian Dez, also posted his notice on post. His offence took place at void deck near to lift lobby B of Block 621 – Yishun Ring Road.
Source :, contributed by Adrian Dez.
Netizens were either caught between encouraging the reinforcement or disliking it. Some agree to the reinforcement, while some do not.
Below are some comments from netizens who commented on the posts:
Benjamin Oh, supported the move and wrote, “Imagine you are carrying your infant to the carpark and he has to breathe in second-hand smoke, just because some inconsiderate prick is smoking in the car park. (Worse still, exhaling the last puff into the carpark lift).
I have been through this and I fully support enforcement!”
Peh Sin Thien wrote, “They should do spot checks on HDB as well. So many are smoking while walking in the covered walkways, at the void decks, and at the pavilion. No doubt the laws are made but no one to apprehend then.”
While Daeng Qyai Andi expressed his disagreement towards the move, writing, “One question, what comes out from the exhaust? If you said that is different, well it is the same. Is the air surrounding you really that clean? Might as well banned all vehicles if you want to have a smoke-free SG. Factories emit smoke, lorries emit smoke. What does not emit smoke? As long as you are not smoking in front of non-smokers, I think that is fine. Would you put your own nose right in front of your own vehicle exhaust? Definitely not right? Is the air being taxed which you guys deem as you have the right to breathe clean air but not for smokers? I sometimes wonder what the gov did to brainwash its citizens. If smoking in a closed indoors with the air conditioned is ‘ON’, that is fine with me as I do not like the smell of smoke indoors as well. SG air was never clean, it may be better than some countries like China. If talking about good quality air, the only place is out of SG, out of the city where there full grown trees surround you. SG need more trees, not sheltered walkways. Trees absorb carbon & dirty air. Don’t you all study science.. just my simple thoughts which I too have small children & I don’t puff right in their faces.”
Duane Li wrote, “Smokers are also human, they feel the heat of the scorching sun & the cold wet rain. I feel that letting them stand at the edge of the shelter is not too much, sometimes there nice smokers who are trying to hide from the rain or the sun at the edge of the shelter, and when he spots people walking by he will walk out of the shelter. But of course, there are inconsiderate smokers as well. Likewise, if you are a non-smoker give people some space to smoke la. If you have kids then the smoker should be considerate enough to move out of the shelter, but I think you can teach your child to cover their mouth/nose to teach them it is bad for health. Have mercy.”
NEA had published the Smoking (Prohibition in Certain Places) Act administered as part of the national effort to promote a smoke-free lifestyle in Singapore.
Smoking prohibition in Singapore was first introduced in 1970 and NEA has been gradually expanding the list of smoke-free places covered under the Act in consultation with the public and relevant stakeholders.
The Government’s long-term policy goal is to prohibit smoking in all public areas to protect non-smokers from the harmful effects of second-hand smoke.
“We seek to reach this goal by progressively extending the Smoking (Prohibition in Certain Places) Act to more public places where the public will be impacted in their daily lives,” the Authority stated.
In NEA’s website, it is stated that, “Given the large number of places where smoking is prohibited, it is not possible for NEA to deploy officers to watch over all these locations at all times. Operators and managers of premises are required to stop patrons, visitors and staff from smoking in such smoking-prohibited areas or request that they leave the premises.”
Source : NEA.
NEA also noted that an individual who is caught smoking in a prohibited place may be allowed to compound his offence for $200 in lieu of attending Court. If convicted in Court, the offender may be liable to a fine of up to $1,000.

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