A picture of the bridge where the incident took place (Source : Colin Barker Facebook account).

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has stated that Singapore strongly condemns the vicious terrorist attack in Westminster, London on 22 March 2017 that led to the death and injury of innocent persons, including a police officer who was killed in the line of duty.  It also express Singapore’s deepest condolences to the bereaved
It wrote in its statement, “We express our deepest condolences to the bereaved families and wish the injured a speedy recovery.  The people of Singapore stand in solidarity with the people of the United Kingdom at this difficult time,”
MFA stated that the Ministry and the Singapore High Commission in London have reached out to Singaporeans who are e-registered in London.
“Thus far, there have been no reports of Singaporeans directly affected by or injured in the incident,” the Ministry stated.  The Singapore High Commission will continue to work with the London Metropolitan Police and relevant authorities to monitor the situation closely.
MFA stressed that the Singapore High Commission will continue to work with the London Metropolitan Police and relevant authorities to monitor the situation closely.
The Ministry also advises Singaporeans in London to keep in touch with family and friends so people are aware of their safety.  Those who require urgent consular assistance in London should contact the Singapore High Commission or MFA Duty Office at:
MFA then noted that those who require urgent consular assistance in London should contact the Singapore High Commission or MFA Duty Office at:
Singapore High Commission in London
Tel: 44 (0)207 235 8315
Duty Hand-Phone: 44 (0)771 034 8335
Email: [email protected]
Minister for Home Affairs and Law K Shanmugam also commented on the incident on his Facebook page.

He pointed to the incident by saying that it was a cruel and calculated attack, clearly aimed at striking at the heart of British democracy and the British way of life.
“A sombre reminder of the clear and present terror threat around the world, and the need to stay vigilant and prepared. Our thoughts and prayers are with the British people,” he wrote.
The incident took place at Westminster Bridge where an attacker allegedly drove into people along the pavement on Westminster Bridge, mowing them down, killing at least 2 people at the moment.
He then ran into the Parliament. PC Keith Palmer, 48, who was unarmed at the moment, then confronted the attacker. Unfortunately, the attacker stabbed him, who is a husband and a father, and he passed away due to the injury.
At least five people dead, including three members of the public, one police officer and the attacker himself, who was shot dead by armed officers.
Many people were injured and conveyed to hospitals, some in critical condition.

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