Indebted family raises close to $45,000 for baby's medical treatment

Indebted family raises close to $45,000 for baby's medical treatment

Close to $45,000 has been raised for a family with a baby who is born prematurely due to early water bag burst on her mother’s womb and has to undergo multiple surgeries to keep his life.
The heartbreaking story of the Vanden Lim Chun Hai was posted on Give Asia, asking those who can afford to offer assistance to the family on their financial burden.
After being born at just 900 grammes, baby Vanden had to stay in the incubator during his first few months. Being such little size and weight, he had to go through multiple X-Rays and MRI scans to find out what was wrong with him.
Despite seeing a few doctors to diagnose the condition, no one was able to identify what is wrong with baby Vanden. It was till they met up with Dr David Low, Head Consultant Pediatric Neurosurgery, who finally discovered Vanden’s symptoms and shared that the baby is suffering from post-infectious Hydrocephalus with multiple brain cysts.
Dr David then further explained that Vandel’s brain has suffered severe damages from the infection and will be highly dependent on the parents for his entire life and must go through numerous medical follow up in future even if those surgical procedures are successful.
For every surgery that the baby is going through, there is bound to have risks, especially for the infant age.
So far, Baby Vanden had managed to pull through six invasive surgeries within the period of four months.
Baby Vanden is still unable to feed on milk the normal way and will continue to rely on the NJ tube that is inserted above his stomach for milk feeding. The baby also had been trying to put in a small amount of milk through oral feeding, hoping that he can cope with his digestion system.
To date, nearly $140,000 in surgery fees has been spent, resulting in the parents being in debt after owing money to the hospitals for the medical treatments.
Vanden’s mother quit her job as she has to pay full attention to Vanden, leaving only his father as the sole breadwinner for the family.
Anyone who is interested in helping baby Vanden can click here.

Source : Give Asia.
Source : Give Asia.
Source : Give Asia.
Source : Give Asia.
Source : Give Asia.
Source : Give Asia.
Source : Give Asia.
Source : Give Asia.
Source : Give Asia.
Source : Give Asia.
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