Singapore Prison Service: Overall recidivism rate for the 2013 release cohort remains low and stable

Singapore Prison Service: Overall recidivism rate for the 2013 release cohort remains low and stable

Singapore Prison Service (SPS) has released key statistical data of the recidivism rate of its former inmates and states that overall recidivism rate for the 2013 release cohort remains low and stable.
SPS notes that the figures from the data re-affirms its commitment to work closely with the community to support the rehabilitation of inmates and reduce their risks of re-offending, noting that the overall recidivism rate for the 2013 release cohort remains low and stable.
According to its data, the proportion of inmates from the 2014 cohort who re-offended within two years of their release stood at 26.5 per cent, as compared to 25.9 per cent in 2013 and 27.6 per cent in 2012.
Suitable inmates are placed on Community-Based Programmes (CBP) at the tail-end of their sentences.
Inmates assessed to have a lower risk of re-offending and have strong family support may be placed on the Home Detention Scheme, while those who require a more structured environment may be placed in a VWO-run Halfway House or placed on Work Release Schemes.
It also said that ex-offenders assessed to have a greater risk of re-offending or require more aftercare support will be placed on the Mandatory Aftercare Scheme upon their release.
Mr Rockey Francisco Junior, Director, Community Corrections Command, Singapore Prison Service, said, “Our emphasis on community rehabilitation and reintegration underscores SPS’ firm commitment to the effective rehabilitation of inmates which, in turn, contributes to a safer and more secure Singapore.”
“Together with our community partners, we strive to provide evidence-based programmes that reduce inmates’ risks of re-offending and support their reintegration into society,” he added.
The Authority said that gainful employment plays an important part in the effective reintegration of exoffenders.
In 2015, SCORE actively engaged employers in the food & beverage, hospitality, logistics and manufacturing sectors to garner support for the employment of ex-offenders. The number of employers registered with SCORE increased 7 percent, from 4,433 to 4,745.
In addition, it said that 2,042 inmates secured a job prior to their release in 2015, a 9.5% increase from the 1,865 in 2014.
“This reflects society’s increased acceptance and support for ex-offenders’ rehabilitation and reintegration,” SPS added.
Mr Abdul Karim, Executive Director, Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association, said, “The successful rehabilitation of ex-offenders is a whole-of-community effort. Together with the inmate’s resolve to change, greater collaboration between aftercare agencies, and the support of the community and family, we can build a safer society free of re-offending.”

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