Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) has alerted members of the public that there is a fake ICA website that is phishing for visitors’ visa application numbers and passport numbers,
The ICA said that it would like to advise members of the public to exercise caution to do not unwittingly fall prey to such fake websites. Members of the public are also advised to use only the official ICA website at for all informational and transactional needs concerning ICA matters.
“We would like to assure everyone that access to the official ICA website remains unaffected and no data has been compromised,” ICA said.
ICA stated that it takes a serious view of such fake websites as they undermine public trust in its system and processes.
It noted that Police report has also been made.
“We will work to bring down the website and will continue to monitor them,” ICA stressed.

Source : ICA.
Source : ICA.
Source : ICA.
Source : ICA.
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