MFA: Singapore's Terrex Vehicles to be returned by Hong Kong soon

MFA: Singapore's Terrex Vehicles to be returned by Hong Kong soon

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has said that Hongkong has agreed to return the nine Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) armoured vehicles they have detained when in transit from Taiwan since November last year.
In a statement by MFA yesterday (24 Jan), it is said that Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Leung Chun-ying has replied to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s earlier letter, stating that the Hong Kong authorities have completed their investigations, and will be releasing the SAF Terrex Infantry Carrier Vehicles and other equipment to the Singapore Government through the carrier.
“This is a positive outcome. Prime Minister Lee has replied to Chief Executive Leung to thank him for Hong Kong’s cooperation in resolving this matter,” the MFA statement said.
In his earlier letter to Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying, PM Lee requested for the immediate return of the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) armored vehicles being detained by Hong Kong customs.
In November last year, Hong Kong Customs detained nine Terrex vehicles which were onboard a container ship transiting from Taiwan in November last year, with sources stating that the vehicles did not have proper documentations.
According to The South China Morning Post (SCMP), Hong Kong customs announced yesterday that the shipment of the military vehicles would be returned to Singapore after the completion of investigations over a suspected breach of local laws governing the import, export and transshipment of strategic commodities.
“The action by the Hong Kong Customs on November 23 was taken because there was a suspected breach of the Hong Kong law,” Commissioner of Customs and Excise Roy Tang Yun-kwong said in a statement. Tang warned that the investigation ‘might lead to criminal prosecution’.
A security source told the SCMP that APL, the shipping company which was transporting the vehicles from Taiwan to Singapore via Hong Kong, is likely to face criminal charges.
The vehicles would be returned in the next few days, the source added, while APL said it is working with the relevant authorities and various stakeholders to ship the vehicles and related equipment back to Singapore.
Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen posted a message on Facebook, “SAF Terrexes are coming home to Singapore. Looking forward to this happy reunion with all Singaporeans in the Year of the Rooster.”

The Minister for Social and Family Development, Tan Chuan-Jin, said “Glad to hear that our Terrex will be coming home.”

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