Potong Pasir to be included in Silver Zone Programme

Potong Pasir to be included in Silver Zone Programme

Minister for Transport Khaw Boon Wan stated that Potong Pasir will be included in the Silver Zone programme by Land Transport Authority (LTA) as it has prioritised areas for the implementation based on the relative number of traffic accidents involving the elderly.
Mr Khaw noted on the inclusion in light of the question of Mr Sitoh Yih Pin, MP from Potong Pasir SMC, who asked the Minister for Transport whether LTA will consider including the Potong Pasir area (in addition to Lorong 8 Toa Payoh) in the Silver Zone programme as it is a mature estate with a high number of elderly residents.
Potong Pasir which was formerly held by long-time Opposition Member of Parliament, Mr Chiam See Tong has had upgrading projects such as lift upgrading withheld from the ward for years before PAP candidate, Mr Sitoh finally won the seat over in 2011.
Earlier, LTA noted that it has implemented nine Silver Zones island-wide to date and will complete six more Silver Zones by next year.
Under its ongoing expansion plans, LTA said that it has identified 10 new locations to be enhanced with customised road safety features, bringing the total to 25 Silver Zones by 2019. The locations for another 25 Silver Zones will be identified progressively.
LTA announced that, by 2023, 50 residential estates across the island will feature safer roads for all users, especially the more vulnerable senior pedestrians. This is also part of the Government’s continuous efforts to support the Action Plan for Successful Ageing, which aims to shape a safe and convenient land transport network for the seniors.

Source : LTA.
Source : LTA.

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