PAP 34th CEC appoints 4 additional members

PAP 34th CEC appoints 4 additional members

People’s Action Party (PAP) has announced that following the election of the People’s Action Party’s Central Executive Committee (CEC) during the Party Conference on 4 December 2016, the 34th Executive Committee (34th CEC) met on Thursday (5 January) and co-opted Mr Masagos Zulkifli, Mr Ong Ye Kung, Mr Sitoh Yih Pin and Mr Murali Pillai as additional members.
Mr Chan Chun Sing the Organising Secretary and Chairman of HQ Exco has also announced that with these additional four members, the 34th CEC, including office-bearers will be:
PAP stated that the 34th CEC appointed Mr Gan Kim Yong, Mr Chan Chun Sing and Mr Ong Ye Kung as Organising Secretaries and Mr Teo Ser Luck and Mr Sam Tan as Assistant Organising Secretaries.
It also noted that the 34th CEC also made the following appointments –  Ms Grace Fu and Mdm Halimah Yacob will continue to chair the Women’s Wing (WW) and PAP Seniors Group (PAP.SG) respectively. Dr Janil Puthucheary will helm Young PAP (YP) while its immediate past Chairman, Mr Chan Chun Sing will be the Advisor to YP.

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