Blackbox survey shows Singaporeans do not have racial bias in support for political leaders.

Blackbox survey shows Singaporeans do not have racial bias in support for political leaders.

Results from a survey by market research consultancy Blackbox shows that nine in 10 people in Singapore felt that the process of selecting Singapore’s next Prime Minister should be made more transparent.

Blackbox had almost correctly predicted the results for the last General Election in 2015 with its survey based on satisfaction of voters on their perception of improvement in the country by the PAP government.

The Yahoo Singapore commissioned survey of 897 Singaporeans also showed that four in 10 respondents felt very strongly about it.

According to the survey, this is a sentiment that resonated across age and ethnic groups. For example, some 43 percent of those aged 25-34 strongly agreed on the need for more transparency, while 40 percent of those aged 50 and above also felt the same.

41 percent of Chinese respondents felt the same way, followed by 40 per cent of Indians and 36 percent of Malays.

Graphic : Blackbox.
Graphic : Blackbox.

In the same survey, 69 percent of all 897 respondents support 59-year-old Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam to be the next Prime Minister who was said to be the most preferred choice among Singaporeans.

The survey also mentions 7 other possible candidates, they are Teo Chee Hean, Heng Swee Keat, Chan Chun Sing,Ng Chee Meng, Ong Ye Kung, Lawrence Wong and Tan Chuan-Jin.

Clockwise from top left: Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Teo Chee Hean, Heng Swee Keat, Chan Chun Sing,Ng Chee Meng, Ong Ye Kung, Lawrence Wong and Tan Chuan-Jin. (Photo: Yahoo Newsroom, Facebook).
Clockwise from top left: Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Teo Chee Hean, Heng Swee Keat, Chan Chun Sing,Ng Chee Meng, Ong Ye Kung, Lawrence Wong and Tan Chuan-Jin. (Photo: Yahoo Newsroom, Facebook).

The respondents were allowed to choose more than one contender for the job.

The survey shows that Mr Tharman led three other men who emerged as possible contenders, DPM Teo Chee Hean (34 percent), Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat (25 percent) and Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office Chan Chun Sing (24 percent).

Of the other possible candidates named in the poll, Minister for Social and Family Development Tan Chuan-Jin garnered 16 percent of the vote. While National Development Minister Lawrence Wong and Acting Education Ministers Ong Ye Kung and Ng Chee Meng, all got less than 10 percent.

Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam is the clear favourite of Singaporeans to succeed Lee Hsien Loong as Singapore’s next Prime Minister, a survey conducted by market research consultancy Blackbox shows. According to the poll commissioned by Yahoo Singapore, 69 per cent of all 897 respondents (Source : Blackbox).
Source : Blackbox.

Majority of comments online share a common point that it does not matter who will become the next president so long he or she is capable to handle the issues the country is facing.

Here are what some of them had wrote :

  • Kok wrote, “Just ask the IC no. and name of those polled and they will tell PAP anything they liked to hear. Many Singaporean are scared to be marked by PAP as opposition supporter.”
  • Lin Wong wrote, “Whoever be the PM is not a problem .The next PM to be chosen must be a person who uses the brain more than the talking. A man who had the knowledge of the history and the happening of the present world, and not to be a drag by other into the trouble.”
  • Suez wrote, “The only way to hear the people and let the people decide is to have a national referendum. I believe Singaporeans are pragmatic enough to make the best decision on who the next PM should be and not leave it to a group of technocrats. The people in power must loosen up and trust us, the common people, make this decision!”
  • Eric wrote, “We have no good choice of leaders because none of them can speak the truth in their mind. What they think is not what they speak out. This is the whole problem with Singapore and the future is really waiting for her doom day.”
  • Old bird wrote, “Just wondering what kind of message this PAP Government is trying to send out to its citizens. That one that is convicted of a criminal offense under the Official Secrets Act can now rise to hold the highest office in Singapore so long he is within the PAP hierarchy. But one from the opposition who has been convicted of a criminal offense can be shamed and when standing in an election can have all his dirty linen washed and shamed. Now I am sure lots of Singaporeans are indeed very confused. I always thought that past criminal convictions have always been an issue, especially for a Government post. Now a convict can also be PM. What a change in views. We must be progressing all the time. Can we then have this change of views all round instead of people that are connected to the PAP.”
  • Dank wrote, “Big question is whether Tharman wants to be PM? He did mention before that he was not interested in taking up this post. He’s a smart man.”
  • Chua wrote, “The poll of 69% or 897 means nothing to PAP. It depends on One individual and that individual is all that matters in Stingkapoor. Period.”
  • Warrior16 wrote, “In Singapore, only the PAP has the talent. Get out of this thinking and attitude that only the PAPpies talent. There are many good talented politicians and intelligent Singaporeans around. Those within PAPpies are obedient doggies for the leegalee corrupted millions salaries, bonuses and directorships. Only people who have no principal in life would be within that circle. Since the PAPpies no longer has the talent available, time for a change. Tharman is the best among the worst!”
  • Bingo wrote, “When a dictator runs the country for too long, you tend to create a “lost generation”, very “kiasi” because the island gives you room to run. And you are left with those who always say, ‘Yes, sir.'”
  • PY wrote, “Let’s face it, whether one likes PAP or not, we do have a leadership crisis. As a Chinese, I am fine with a non-Chinese as the next PM. We talk so much about the importance of being a united country and embracing all races to the extent that we have to review and rectify the Elected Presidency to ensure the minority race is not left out in the cold. So, why not the next President be a woman or the next PM be a non-Chinese? The PM should be someone who can carry himself well as a leader. Looking at the list of given names, sadly, only Tharman has proven himself to speak well, have the profound knowledge and ability to carry himself well on a global platform. the other ministers can only handle local politics. Especially the “Kee Chiu” one. they all speak like mickey mouse with the Singaporean slang.”
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