
Ms Siti Redha Khamis, 25, has been feeding her mother human faeces and urine “every day”, local press reports say.

The claim came from a neighbour of Ms Siti, Mr Darwinder Singh, 39, who is being charged for abetting the daughter on the act of voluntarily causing hurt to Ms Siti’s mother, 58-year-old Kamisah Burel.

Mdm Kamisah’s plight was surfaced after another neighbour secretly filmed her slapping her mother along the corridor of a HDB flat in Lower Delta Road last week.

It prompted the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) and the police to act against Ms Siti, and look into the incident.

According to Mr Darwinder, he claimed in court on Friday that he only told Siti to feed her mother faeces once. Instead, she did it every day.


The offence allegedly happened on 1 July.

He also claimed that Ms Siti had been asking him for money for eight months and that he had tried to support her.

“I pawned my jewellery,” he told the court. “I sold my handphone and laptop for her. She’s accused me of a lot of things.”

He also said that his mother, Madam Asha, had to depend on him as both of them have medical conditions.

“Singh had earlier furnished The New Paper with photos that he claimed to have secretly snapped of the alleged abuse,” the Straits Times said. “The photos seemed to show Madam Kamisah being beaten with brooms, having her hair pulled, and stepped on.”

Prosecutors asked that Mr Darwinder be remanded because police would need to visit the scene of the crime “as the offences took place over an extended period of time”, local news reported.

Read TOC’s earlier reports of the incident:

Video of woman hitting old lady sweeping the floor – man calls for help

Abuse of elderly woman – MSF looking into incident



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