
A video of an elderly woman being slapped in the face has been posted online on Facebook.

In what the uploader of he video says is an incident which occurred in a HDB flat in Delta Road, the elderly and frail woman was sweeping the floor outside her flat, watched over by two other younger women.

At one point, the two women appeared to be scolding the elderly woman, and one of them slapped the latter several times on the face.

The uploader of the video, who goes by the name of “Apoh Tecky Numero“, explained the situation:

“Have you ever wonder how an abused woman is living in her own house? We have been seeing the changes in the old lady. From an old cheerful lady to a botak and fragile old lady whose face is bruised everytime single time we saw her. As much as we would want to render help, we are in no position to. (domestic affair) We have been witnessing alot of incident but just this one time, we decided to discreetly video-ed them. They were pretending to be talking nicely when my mum was along the corridor hanging the laundry. But the moment my mum stepped into our house…………this is just one of the things that happened.”

He chided the lady who slapped the old woman:

“The one who is slapping her is……………….her own daughter. How could you. She’s your own mum. She carried you in her womb. How could you gang up with others against your own mum?”

And he also calls for help:

“[We] are sharing this video with hope that many others would help us stop all this together. I hope all of you can share this video.”

Watch the video here:

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