Amos Yee assaulted right outside of state court

Amos Yee, the teenager who is being charged with harassment, and with deliberately wounding religious feelings for uploading a YouTube video was struck by a man in red when he was on his way to his pre-trial conference on Thursday, 30 April.

[youtube id=”Mx0ICH8jihU” align=”center” mode=”normal”]

The man walked up to Amos and struck Amos in the face without any notice. The man reportedly shouted at Amos Yee, “Sue me, come and sue me!” and later fled the scene.

The family was advised by Amos’s lawyers to make a police report on the matter.

Amos Yee's eye swollen and red after the assault. (Image by Roy Ngerng)
Amos Yee’s eye swollen and red after the assault. (Image by Roy Ngerng)

In the videos, it can be seen that reporters and photographers did not give chase to the person who ran away after hitting Amos in the face.

Members of public were either angry or puzzled why no one gave chase to the man in red shirt after assaulting Amos Yee.

Yasser Mohamed on TOC’s fanpage wrote, “You watched a man strucking down a kid and didn’t do anything to that guy?” while Peggy Oin wrote, “To those who saw it but just busy filming videoing etc shame on you. You should have help the boy. Nobody should “punish” people in their own way.”

TOC has written to the Singapore Police Force and SPF has yet to respond on the matter, whether if they had arrested the man or the point of why the man could have carried out his act just outside the state court without being arrested on the spot.

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