Yes to solar panels, savings for Singaporeans? – SDP

Yes to solar panels, savings for Singaporeans? – SDP

By Howard Lee

Solar panels (image - WDA)
Solar panels (image – WDA)
The Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) has welcomed the Singapore government’s plans to install more solar panels in Singapore, but has also expressed that the resulting energy savings should be passed back to Singaporeans.
Minister for National Development Mr Khaw Boon Wan had made an announcement last Friday that the Housing Development Board (HDB) will aggregate demand across government agencies for solar photovoltaic panels.
The bulk tender is expected to result in cost savings for government agencies that have a need to install such panels.
The Ministry of Defence (Mindef) and the Ministry of Education (MOE) are expected to have use of the bulk tender when they need to install the panels at schools and military camps, respectively.
“Such an initiative not only helps generate power in a cheaper manner thereby reducing energy costs and benefiting the people, it will also assist in the global effort to reduce carbon emissions,” said SDP’s secretary-general, Dr Chee Soon Juan.
Nevertheless, “we look forward to the authorities passing on the anticipated savings in energy production to Singaporeans whose current utility bills have become a burden especially those in the lower income groups,” said Dr Chee.
Dr Chee also indicated that climate change is a real danger confronting the world, and Singapore as a small island is especially vulnerable to rising sea levels and effects on coastal areas.
“While we are a small country and do not make a large impact on global warming, it is important nevertheless that we take the lead to reduce our carbon footprint so that we have the moral authority to encourage bigger nations to adopt similar environmentally friendly practices.”

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