By Tan Jee Say

Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew told Parliament on 10 July 2012, "SMRT's maintenance regime had shortcomings, but we too — both MoT, as the supervising ministry, and LTA, as the regulator — have to shoulder our share of the responsibility." (LTA fell short in its responsibility)

A week has passed. What concrete steps have been taken to show for shouldering this responsibility by Minister Lui as supervising minister and other officials in his ministry, LTA and SMRT? Yes the CEO had resigned but did she 'walk' out too easily? Senior corporate managers elsewhere not only gave up their jobs but also returned the huge salaries and bonuses they were awarded during their time in the companies even though they were not directly responsible for the lapses.

For example, the chief investment officer at J P Morgan lost her job and had to pay back the equivalent of two years of her compensation (about S$38 million) for errors committed by traders under her charge. The traders also lost their jobs and paid back their compensation. See accompanying story below.

Has a similar sense of ownership been shown by those responsible for the SMRT breakdowns directly or indirectly? Will they at the very minimum, volunteer to return the bulk of salaries, bonuses and directors' fees to help SMRT pay for the investigation fees of more than $4 million and other expenses? And yes, will some of them also volunteer to move out of their present positions too?

Minister Lui, will you walk the talk? Singapore is watching and waiting.

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新加坡前进党秘书长陈清木医生在脸书分享贴文,提醒人们出门都要记得戴口罩,以保护自己的同事、邻里。 虽然总理上周五宣布,不会再不鼓励民众戴口罩。有从医经验的陈清木则进一步要求,大家出门都要记得戴口罩,这样当咳嗽、打喷嚏或可能出现症状时,能保护其他人。 他指出,有鉴于目前本地无关联病例增长、涌现新感染群,我们必须减低风险,且戴口罩也没坏处。而截至昨日(4日),本地又增加75例冠状病毒19确诊病例,以及四个感染群。 迄今本地累计确诊1千189例,累计治愈297例,仍有500例需留院治疗,其中多达26人病况严重需待在加护病房。至于386例康复较良好者,冠毒测试仍呈阳性反应,则转移到本地隔离设施。迄今,已有六起死亡病例。 “所以每当出门都戴口罩,这是即简单又周到的行为,可以保护身边的人。”不过陈清木也提醒不要因为戴了口罩就觉得安全,于此同时也要养成良好习惯,包括勤洗手等。更重要的是尽量呆在家,就是保护自己的最好办法。 “请记住,您可以发挥自己的作用来阻止病毒传播。” 陈清木医生在2018年12月底,宣布“挂起听筒”,正式结束50年的行医生涯。过去他曾在阿妈宫开诊所,深受当地居民爱戴。 李显龙在口罩政策上U转 李显龙是在上周五(3日),才改口称穿戴口罩也可保护他人。今年1月底,他曾表示身体不适时才需要戴口罩。

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允许歌诗达幸运号游轮靠岸 黄循财:从我国出发、本就预定返航

针对游轮歌诗达幸运号(Costa Fortuna)今早在我国靠岸,国家发展部长黄循财强调,有关游轮的游客早前就已抵达新加坡、并乘坐游轮从新加坡出发,原就预定要返航我国。 “我们同意接受(游轮靠岸),但就像我们对所有游轮一样,采取额外措施,任何曾到过可能曝露感染风险地区的游客,都需接受医生检测,并且确保他们下游轮后就直接往机场。” 他说大部分游轮乘客都会在今晚离开新加坡,所有乘客在一两日内就会离开我国。 黄循财指出,对于那些传出疫情的地区,我国已落实入境限制,但我国并没有阻止来自其他地区的旅客来我国,“他们仍可来本地参与各种活动,他们仍可坐游轮到访其他地方、邻国再回来,再者船上也有新加坡游客。” 他认为应该从更广泛角度来看该采取什么方针来管理风险,例如针对本地人该采取哪些失当的减少接触措施。 有关乘客月2000人的游轮歌诗达幸运号,刚在本月3日从新加坡离开,且乘客再登船前,都已根据游轮管理层要求,进行离境前检查旅行记录和体温检测。 歌诗达幸运号是在上月25日从新加坡出发,曾前往泰国苏梅岛( Ko Samui)和林查班(Laem Chabang),较后到柬埔寨西哈努克。上周二(3日)返回新加坡,之后在5日抵达马国浮罗交怡。之后原本预定将在普吉岛和槟城停留 据了解该游轮上有64名意大利籍乘客。由于马国和泰国不准该游轮靠岸,致使游轮无法前往泰国普吉岛和槟城停留,只得提前返航。

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