Month: November 2007

Uniquely Singapore, F1 or F9?: Inflation up, HDB property tax up, statistics disappear, Ministers’ pay up again soon

By Leong Sze Hian I refer to the article “Taming inflation” (ST, Nov 25). Amidst all the statistical jargon in…

Ministerial salaries – 2nd upward revision soon

By Andrew Ong and Andrew Loh On the 9th of April 2007, Minister in charge of the Civil Service, Teo…

Catherine Lim’s open letter to the prime minister

Theonlinecitizen has confirmed with Ms Catherine Lim that she indeed is the author of the following open letter to the…

How to deliver economic growth but lose an election

By Gerald Giam How is it possible to preside over a booming economy and yet still lose a national election?…

Bloggers’ meeting : 4th Dec 2007

A government-linked body has embarked on a review of the regulatory framework over the internet. While the focus of the…

Singapore miscalculates balance of power over Burma issue

The following is a report carried by Japan‘s largest news agency Kyodo.  Singapore‘s unsuccessful attempt to convince Myanmar [Burma] and…

MDA head honchos rap on video to get Singapore “creative and connected”

Below is the video – with the lyrics – showing the senior management of the Media Development Authority (MDA) rapping…

Uniquely Singapore: Charity – F1 or F9? Helping the poor?

By Leong Sze Hian After watching the Cancer Charity Show, my friend’s sister, a 50 plus housewife, was so depressed,…

TOC Breaking News: 50 Burmese nationals protest

For more pictures, please visit Pseudonymity’s blogsite. 20/11/2007, 1930 hrs: 50 Burmese nationals gathered outside Orchard Hotel in groups of…

Editorial: Time to stop Asean’s humiliation

By Choo Zheng Xi Every big family has its awkward characters: the cousin who can’t stop talking about Multi-Level Marketing.…