Case of Boh Zhuang Min was a good opportunity for AG to test S377A - but he did not. Ravi Philemon.
I think certain Americans have to realise the fact that there are a diversity of views on the subject and it is not a settled matter;...
Visiting professor at NYU, Thio Li-Ann, stirs controversy with her remarks on homosexuality.
It was an internal document…internal documents are internal documents. If you don’t show them to MOE, we will not know about them. Education Minister Ng Eng...
"In the foreseeable future, as more homosexuals come out into the open, the last vestiges of the old stigma against homosexuality will disappear altogether."
Tolerance and restraint by all racial and religious groups"only practical way" to pursue their faiths in peace.
"If anything, it is the Straits Times that is less than responsible," says Alex Au.
TOC members will be attending and speaking at various forums.