foreign talent

Singaporeans share personal stories of discrimination amidst whistleblower’s expose of alleged unfair hiring practices in banking industry

SINGAPORE — Recently, TOC reported that an anonymous whistleblower in the banking sector raised concerns about senior staff appointments at…

Netizens express scepticism over MOM’s new EP verification measures, say it is long overdue and call for an assessment of skills

SINGAPORE  —  Manpower Minister Tan See Leng said starting 1 September this year, companies seeking to hire foreigners on an…

Increasing number of working Permanent Residents in Singapore but with a stable PR population

by Terry Xu/ Leong Sze Hian During the debate on the two motions on foreign talent policy and Singapore jobs…

New citizens outstripping net increase of existing citizens?

Leong Sze Hian I refer to the article “Singapore population of 4.99m is older, more likely living alone” (CNA, Sep…