Xiamen city, Fujian province, from Gulangsu Island, in the bay of Xiamen (PHOTO / XINHUA)

The South China Morning Post reported yesterday (13 Sep) that COVID-19 has broken out in China again and this time it is spreading through the Fujian province of China.

Fujian authorities said that the coronavirus was brought in by a traveller who returned from Singapore on 4 Aug. Gene sequencing showed that the infections were caused by the Delta variant. The traveller had been quarantined in Xiamen for 14 days after arrival and tested negative three times after returning to Putian, a city in eastern Fujian province.

Chinese authorities are moving quickly to suppress the latest COVID-19 outbreak in a bid to prevent the coronavirus from spreading beyond the province of Fujian.

The province reported 22 new cases yesterday, compared with 20 a day earlier. It has found 43 locally transmitted cases since Friday (10 Aug) and put 32 asymptomatic carriers under medical observation.

Fujian authorities have also ordered mass testing for students and teachers in the province to be completed within a week. The city of Xiamen has closed off two districts and a hospital after identifying coronavirus patients. Pupils from a Putian primary school were among the first identified COVID-19 patients in the latest outbreak.

The National Health Commission team sent to Fujian said the coronavirus has been detected in communities, schools and factories in Putian. But it was confident that the outbreak can be contained ahead of the upcoming holiday commemorating the Mid-Autumn festival.

Still, more than 30,000 people are said to have left Putian for other parts of the country between late August to September 10, when the first infections in the latest outbreak were reported.

Already, the city of Quanzhou has found 6 people infected. The city has suspended classes and will continue to test people arriving from Putian. People in Quanzhou and Putian are highly linked in work and life.

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政治工作者毕博渊撰文: 在乔治奥威尔的惊悚小说《1984》中,虚构的大洋国政府有四大管理部门,其中之一就是主管新闻、娱乐、教育和艺术的”真相部“。这个特定群体的官员,会决定什么是真相、什么是假的,并且对拒绝服从者采取行动。 2019年,我国政府有意立法赋权少数几位部长,拥有裁决消息真伪的权利,且也可对不服从者采取行动。 这批部长来自一个曾承诺55岁公民领取公积金、却不断跳票的政党团队;他们曾告诉你公共组屋会增值,但如今却承认屋契到期屋价归零;四任民选总统可以增至五任(第一任从黄金辉前总统算起),而原本宣称是印度裔,现任总统可以一夜之间变成马来裔。 打击网络假消息,首先执政者必然是决策立场一贯,才能赢得百姓信任。其二,不必耗费精力立法来让自己有权决定事情真伪。倒不如教育人民批判思考的精神,让他们有能力判断可以相信什么。 我完全赞同,应警惕假消息和可能破坏社会稳定的人士。然而, 让少数人有决定真相的权力,若有续任者不是为公共利益而另有议程,后果不堪设想。 一旦大权在握就难以制衡,我们不知道未来的续任者会如何使用这些权力,所以才更应该慎重待之。 我必须要问:”您乐意您投选的代议士手握这种大权,剥夺你的自主权来帮你决定什么是真,什么是假吗?“ 在打造健全公共辩论和思想交流的新加坡民主空间,这种发展究竟是进步还是倒退?  

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