Education Minister Chan Chun Sing speaking to the media at River Valley High School on 19 July 2021 (Source: TODAY)

Education Minister Chan Chun Sing will be delivering a ministerial statement in Parliament next week to address concerns from parents and the community following the tragic death of a 13-year-old student at River Valley High School.

In a Facebook post on Friday (23 July), Mr Chan said that there have been concerns from parents and the community on what is being done by the Government to support schools and look out for students in need.

“I will be delivering a Ministerial Statement in Parliament next week to address these,” he said, adding that the Ministry’s thoughts are with the affected families, students, and staff at River Valley High School.

Earlier on Monday (19 July), a 16-year-old boy of River Valley High School was arrested over the death of a fellow student. The Secondary 1 student was found lying motionless in the school toilet with multiple wounds.

The 13-year-old boy was later pronounced dead at the scene by a paramedic, and an axe was seized by the police.

The teen has been charged with murder in court and will undergo psychiatric observation for three weeks at Complex Medical Centre (CMC) in Changi Prison. He is scheduled to be back in court on 10 August.

Commenting about this shocking incident, Mr Chan said that it has been a “difficult week”, but applauded the “display of courage and care” shown by the teachers and staff of River Valley High School.

“They took prompt and decisive action to protect the students during the incident and even as their hearts ache, they mustered the strength to care for our students in the aftermath,” he wrote.

Mr Chan went on to say that he is “heartened that our Singaporean spirit has remained undiminished” through the “grief, reflections and maelstrom of emotions”.

“Our community has rallied together – from the members of the public who left flowers and notes of condolences and encouragement at the school, to the counselling professionals who stepped forward to offer their services, there have been numerous gestures of care, kindness and compassion,” he added.

Mr Chan concluded his post saying, “It will take time to heal, and the road to recovery is long. But know that each and every one of us stand with you.”

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