While Singapore is currently still in its Phase 3 (Heightened Alert), it has come to TOC’s attention that a large number of tenants residing at a condominium in Punggol had allegedly gathered at the condo’s common area last Tuesday (22 Jun) from 6.30pm up till 8pm.

A member of the public, who is a resident at the condominium, reached out to TOC to shed light on the incident.

It appeared that a group of people, coming from at least five households, came together and mingled at the common area of the condo. However, it is unclear on the exact number of people who grouped together during the incident.

Photo taken by a member of the public, who is a resident at Parc Centros condo

Under Singapore’s Phase 3 (Heightened Alert) safe distancing measures, only five people are allowed to be part of social gatherings. Similarly, only five distinct visitors per household daily will be allowed.

What’s more, the member of the public told TOC that the security guards at the condominium had advised these individuals to disperse but they refused to do it.

He said that the individuals only went separate ways after he started taking pictures of them standing together at the condo’s common area.

He added that by the time the police arrived at the scene, the people were no longer there.

According to a circular released by Parc Centros 28 June, seen by TOC, the condominium manager, Seah EG, said that BCA’s Enforcement Officers have conducted an inspection and investigated the incident last Friday (25 Jun).

“The officers had visited the Guest House (GH) to collect all the information such as CCTV footage recording, security incidents report, visitation record and follow up with the inspection of the whole estate and the facilities. They took photos of all signages displayed on individual facilities,” said Mr Seah.

He added, “They are pleased with all notices displayed and Safe Management Measures (SMMs) currently in place. The signages, booking rules and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) clearly and adequately addressed the SMMs enforcement.”

Mr Seah also stated that the officers have proposed for the management of Parc Centros to increase its patrolling frequency during peak hours at the children’s playground and along footpath to manage safe distancing.

Just a day later (29 Jun), Parc Centros said in another circular that the BCA’s investigations have confirmed that an unlawful gathering did take place on 22 June.

The investigation report revealed that “there was non-compliance of safe management measures (SMMs) at the common areas”, and “there was intermingling of more than five persons at the common areas”.

Circular released by Parc Centros on 28 June 2021

TOC has reached out to the Singapore Police Force (SPF) to find out if it has been informed of this incident as well as actions that it will take in regards to this matter.

The police have not replied at the time of writing.

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